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37 Surprising Facebook Statistics For Marketers

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As a social media giant, Facebook is continuously rising and becoming unstoppable. With the launch of Metaverse and other incoming features, Facebook is undeniably a go-to social media channel for marketers to grow their businesses and keep up with trends.

It is essential to know the Facebook statistics that can set your business up for success, whether you are spending a dime investing in the platform or not. Here is a list of some of the most important Facebook statistics.

Facebook Statistics: Usage And Users 

Despite the rise of newer social media apps, Facebook still reigns supreme in terms of users and engagement. Here are some statistics that show why Facebook should still be a part of your social media strategy:

Facebook Statistics: Demographics 

Your Facebook audience is diverse, with users across generations located all over the world. Knowing your audience’s demographics can help you create content tailored to the user group you are targeting. Here are some important points concerning user demographics:

Facebook Statistics: Advertising

Facebook is a great platform to increase brand awareness and reach the right audience for your business. With features like the Ad Library, Facebook makes it easy for marketers to access active ads and stay ahead of the market with relevant marketing campaigns.

Pay attention to these important ad statistics to stay on top of the game:

Facebook Statistics: Marketplace 

With the launch of Marketplace, Facebook has become a go-to platform for both businesses and consumers for great finds to buy and sell. Here are some vital shopping stats to watch out for:

Facebook Statistics For Businesses

You can use Facebook to boost your business. With all of its features, it can be a powerful tool to help you stay updated and improve your bottom line. Let’s take a closer look at some of the numbers:

Key Takeaways

As online trends constantly evolve, using social media for your business means staying ahead of the curve. Keeping up with social media terms and stats can help ensure your Facebook campaign is successful.

Understanding what Facebook statistics mean can be beneficial for your business in many ways: 

What Facebook Statistic surprised you the most? Let us know in the comments below!

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