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Top 5 Pinterest Scheduler Apps and Tools 

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The Best Pinterest Scheduler

You can’t afford to ignore Pinterest if you’re a marketer or creator. The app has 433 million monthly users, and three out of four people say they’ve discovered a new brand or product on Pinterest. You can use Pinterest to reach a broad audience and promote your products or services.

To make the most of Pinterest, you need to be strategic about when you post. Timing is everything on this platform. You can’t just post whenever you feel like it if you want people to discover your brand. You need to be intentional about when you share your content, but sometimes life gets in the way, and you can’t always be online at the best times.

If you’re looking to take your Pinterest game up a notch, consider using a scheduler app to help you post content. These apps make it easy to schedule your posts and often allow you to sync your content across multiple social media platforms.

This article will discuss the best Pinterest scheduler apps and tools and whether scheduling is worth it. We’ll also share some best practices for scheduling.

Is Using a Pinterest Scheduler Worth It?

Absolutely! A Pinterest scheduler is an amazing tool that gives you complete control over your brand’s content. It’s a huge time saver and helps you stay organized.

You’re more likely to reach your target audience if you post at least once a day and target the hours when pinners are most active. That way, they’re more likely to see your posts or pins as they scroll through the app and engage with them.

A Pinterest scheduler is the answer if you’re looking for an easy way to plan and schedule your Pinterest content. You can schedule your posts in advance, so they’re published when your audience is most active, making it easy to stay top of mind and drive traffic to your website.

You’ll also save enough time to concentrate on other aspects of your marketing strategy, like monitoring your Pinterest ads. By doing this, you can gain more followers on Pinterest.

Top 5 Pinterest Scheduler Tools

Now that you know why you need a scheduler tool, we’ll consider some of the best options. Here are five Pinterest scheduler tools to up your content game. 


Publer is a comprehensive affordable social media management solution that helps brands manage their Pinterest account and schedule posts. Teams can schedule up to 500 pins simultaneously and also choose where to save those pins. Brands have clear access to analytics and actionable insights aiding in audience engagement and overall growth.

But wait, there’s more! Publer integrates pro design tools like Canva and Vista Create, so you can do everything within the app and save even more time. Additionally, choose to automatically watermark your posts directly from the app. 


Pinterest itself is one of the best free schedulers out there. You can schedule either on iOS or a desktop, and you can schedule up to two weeks in advance. All you need is a Pinterest business account.

However, you can only use Pinterest as your official scheduling tool if you don’t plan to schedule or connect the Pinterest account to other social media platforms.


Tailwind lets you easily create and manage your posts on social media and optimize your content for Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. Plus, Tailwind allows you to plan pins for a week in advance and recommends the best time to post so your audience is likely to see and engage with your content.


Buffer is a social media tool for creators, solopreneurs, and businesses who want to customize their publishing tools to fit Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. With Buffer, you can schedule individual posts for two separate Pinterest accounts.

Sprout Social

Sprout Social is a simple solution to social media management across multiple platforms. Sprout lets you track your engagement, analyze your performance, and get recommendations for the best time to post on each social media app.

3 Pinterest Scheduling Tips to Remember

Besides knowing how to schedule Pinterest posts, you should also practice some scheduling habits. Here are three Pinterest scheduling tips that can help you get the most out of scheduling your posts. 

Avoid Scheduling All Your Pins at Once

When you’re planning your pins, don’t schedule them all to be published at the same time. Instead, space them out, so there’s an appropriate interval between them. The best way to do this is to study the optimal hours.

However, while you can generally rely on the best times to post, it’s better to research and review your own Pinterest Analytics to know which time is optimal. Analytics tells you when your audience engages most with your posts. Spacing posts in line with those hours will drive even more engagement.

Don’t Schedule Pins Too Far in Advance

You can’t afford to schedule six-month content ahead because it just doesn’t work that way. The best posts work with Pinterest trends, understand the consumers’ current needs, and answer urgent questions. So, scheduling pins only a few days or weeks ahead is best. This will keep your content fresh and relevant and ensure you can adapt to trends.

Double Check Your Image Display

Scheduling your content in advance has many advantages, one of which is seeing exactly how your profile and images will look to pinners. This way, you can make changes if an image looks pixelated or if part of it is getting cropped out before your audience even sees your post.

This will help ensure that your content is always neat and mistake-free.

Key Takeaways 

Scheduling tools can help take your Pinterest game up a notch. By helping you automate your pins and space them out throughout the day or week, you can free up time to focus on creating new content.

Plus, you can be sure you’re never missing an opportunity to engage with your audience. If you’re thinking about using a Pinterest scheduler, remember:

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