
Font Generator For Twitter/X

Enter your text and apply bold and italic formatting to your tweets with simple copy and paste.

Your text

Bold text


Italic text


Bold & italic text

Free font generator. No ads. No registration.
But you can always buy us a coffee β˜•
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Frequently Asked Questions

Most common questions and answers related to the bold & italic text generator. If you’re still not finding what you need, chat with us or visit our Help Center.

What is the Bold & Italic Text Editor?

The Bold & Italic Text Editor is a free tool from Publer that allows you to easily format your text with bold and/or italic styles.

How do I use the Bold & Italic Text Editor?

Simply copy and paste your text into the editor, or type directly. Check the "Bold", β€œItalic” or "Bold and Italic" sections to copy the text with the desired formatting.

Do I need to create an account to use the tool?

No, you don't need an account to use the Bold & Italic Text Editor. However, creating a free Publer account unlocks social media scheduling and additional features.

Can I use bold and italic text in Twitter/X tweets and replies?

Yes, you can use bold and italic text in your Twitter/X tweets and replies. Simply copy and paste the formatted text from our generator directly into your Twitter/X content.

Will the formatting be preserved when I share my Twitter/X post on other platforms?

While the basic text format will be preserved, specific formatting like bold and italic might not be fully maintained when sharing on other platforms.

Can I use emojis with bold and italic text on Twitter/X?

Yes, you can combine emojis with bold and italic text in your Twitter/X tweets and replies.

What platforms can I use the formatted text on?

The formatted text can be used on various platforms like social media posts, emails, documents, and more. With Publer, you can schedule your copy to Facebook, Instagram, Threads App, TikTok, Twitter / X, Mastodon, Bluesky, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google Business, YouTube, WordPress, and Telegram.

Is the Bold & Italic Text Editor free?

Yes, the Bold & Italic Text Editor is completely free to use. But you can always buy us a coffee.

What are the benefits of a free Publer account?

With a free Publer account, you can schedule your posts with bold and italic formatting and explore other social media management features that will make your socials grow.

What is Publer?

Publer is a social media management tool that allows you to create, schedule, and preview your posts across different social platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and more. It simplifies social media workflows by offering robust planning and collaboration tools.