
Automatically Recycle Your Social Media Posts

Bring attention to your top-performing posts and drive brand awareness simply by recycling. Manage the frequency, start/end date, and keep an eye on your virtual calendar.

Reach people at different time zones and invest less time distributing your creative work.

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Automatically Recycle Your Social Media Posts using Publer.
What is evergreen content?

What is Evergreen Content?

Evergreen content is timeless content that helps reach a wider audience and reinforce the purpose.

Its quality is never affected by any update - that’s why we can automate the same content again and again while maximizing interest!

Get consistent and organic traffic to potential posts. Avoid seasonal trends and focus more on their uniqueness.

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Don’t Let Your Content Settle For Less.

Pick your top-performing posts and choose a posting schedule to set up Recycling.

Increase traffic and boost engagement organically

Populate the social media calendar with less effort

Get discovered and rank higher on search engines

Your best content deserves more attention! Struggle less with non-expiring curated pieces.

What is evergreen content?

How to Recycle a Post

Whether it’s honest feedback from a customer, a delicious traditional recipe, an effective productivity hack, or a service/product you provide, you can recycle your best posts.

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1. Identify

Find top-performing content using filters & ranking on the analytics dashboard.

2. Reuse

Create new recycling posts under the desired settings and frequencies.

3. Manage

View and manage all upcoming posts predicted in the virtual calendar.

What is evergreen content?

Recycle vs Recurring What’s the Difference?

Put simply: Recurring posts have expiration dates, while recycling is timeless.

Recurring settings allow you to share your seasonal and time-sensitive giveaways, events and sales on a set schedule.

Recycling content is considered timeless, an ongoing campaign to reshare your best content with no end in sight. You can manage how often recycled posts are shared and for how long they’re posted.

Build credibility with Spintax

Publer proudly integrates with the Spintax generator, which allows every user to prepare tons of content in less time than you can imagine.

By adding proper {keywords | synonyms} between brackets and pipes, the generator will be able to build new sentences that still make sense and have the exact meaning.

Spintax helps you save time and create human-like social media posts. Don’t forget to use it while you prepare your evergreen content!

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What is evergreen content?

Frequently Asked Questions

Most common questions and answers related to the evergreen content. If you’re still not finding what you need, chat with us or visit our Help Center.

Why can’t I edit a predicted post?

As the name suggested, predicted posts are merely forecasts that allow you to better see how many posts will populate your feed. To make changes, go to Posts and filter by Recycling. From here, you can pick the evergreen post you want to modify. Keep in mind that every change you make here will impact every upcoming post as soon as you save your changes.

Why can’t I preview how Spintax will generate the final sentences?

Spintax generates sentences based on the keywords you've added but aren't actually generated until posts are shared. This means you won't be able to preview the finalized writing, so make sure you're happy with the keyword variations you choose.
In the meantime, you’ll see the posts containing brackets and pipes on the calendar view.

Which post types can I recycle?

You can recycle all types of content except for YouTube videos and Twitter posts, as this is against their automation rules. While not outlawed, we highly recommend you use Spintax when recycling WordPress posts to avoid potential duplicate content penalties.

Can I recycle in bulk?

Sure! You can recycle multiple posts at once while modifying their posting schedules, individually.