
Copy That Converts: 7 Ad Copy Examples That Inspire

April 07, 2023
ad copy examples

Creating compelling ad copy is essential for any successful digital marketing campaign. After all, an effective ad copy can entice viewers to take action and generate leads. But how do you craft a message that resonates with your target audience?  Starting with some ad copy examples is a great start.

The answer lies in finding the right balance between creative messaging and persuasive calls to action. According to a 2020 survey, creative ad copies influence 48% of millennials and 75% of Gen Zers. Any business advertising online should focus on effective ad copies to leverage the majority audience on platforms.

To help you get started with crafting powerful ad copy, we’ve compiled some of our favorite examples from top brands across industries. Learn what makes these ad copies so effective and how you can use them as inspiration for your next campaign.

Tips for Writing an Ad Copy that Sells

Whether writing for print, out-of-home, or social media advertising, there are several things you should remember to write an ad copy that sells. Here are some tips to help you get started.

Define Your Audience

Knowing your target audience’s needs and desires is key to crafting an effective ad copy. If you don’t have a clear idea of who you’re writing for, your ad copy will lack relativity and fail to impact the audience.

Identify Your Unique Selling Proposition

Ad copies are a direct reflection of a brand’s USP. It should be crystal clear to the reader what makes you – and your product/service – different from everyone else.

Create a Compelling Headline

The headline is the most important part of your ad copy. It’s the first thing people will see, and it needs to be attention-grabbing and engaging. It should be short yet powerful enough for people to read more of your ad copy.

Write Clear and Concise Body Copy

The body of your ad copy will be the primary part providing detailed information about your ad. It is important to keep the sentences concise and avoid long, drawn-out explanations. The goal is to get your message across clearly without wasting any words. You can do this by focusing on the benefits of your product or service and how it can help solve a customer’s problem.

Use Emotional Triggers

An effective ad copy should resonate with its target audience. The goal is to create an emotional connection by tapping into the reader’s values and motivations.

Emotional triggers are the words and phrases that create an emotional response in a reader. They can evoke feelings of urgency, excitement, or curiosity. This makes an ad copy more engaging and compels the readers to react.


Fear of Missing Out, or FOMO, is a phenomenon that can be a powerful tool in writing an ad copy that sells. Leveraging FOMO means building a sense of urgency in your copy, so readers feel they need to act now or else they’ll miss out.

A limited-time offer is one of the best ways to do this. This could mean setting an expiration date for a discount or offering a special item only available while supplies last.

Include Keywords

Keywords are words and phrases associated with your brand, product, or service. These are the words trending within the audience, so your ad shows up in the results when their search includes them. It doesn’t matter how great your product or service is if no one can find it. That’s why using the right keywords is so important.

Add a Call to Action

Adding a call to action (CTA) is the final seal your ad copy needs. After you have hooked your audience with the headline and body text, directing them to act is essential. There are different types of CTAs for various objectives. This call can be to sign up for email or newsletter, shop, message, etc.

Whether creating ad copies for Facebook, Twitter, or Google, using AI for social media can increase your productivity and efficiency. AI tools like Publer AI assist are excellent for brainstorming ideas and generating unique copies based on your input. This also saves ample time and effort.

7 Click-Worthy Ad Copy Examples

Now that you know the dos and don’ts of an ad copy, here are six op-point ad copies to inspire your future projects.


Jasper's ad for the busy content marketer

Jasper’s ad speaks to the busy content marketer who needs a way to create high-quality blog posts quickly. Its conversational tone invites users to try out their AI-powered automated copywriting tool that creates effective ads, sales pages, social media posts, and more in less time than traditional methods.

The ad copy and headline emphasize the power of AI to get the job done fast and with excellence. The link encourages visitors to sign up for their free trial to see what Jasper can do for them. With this ad, Jasper makes a compelling case for why content marketers should try their product.  With its clear message, direct call-to-action, and persuasive description, Jasper’s ad is a perfect example of effective copywriting.


ad copy examples nike

As a globally-acclaimed company, Nike is dedicated to investing in global talent that can bring unique visions of the future and foster spaces for progress. In this ad, Nike invites talented individuals to join its global community and explore new opportunities.

The headline “It’s a new year, time to make your move” creates a sense of urgency and provides motivation to make a change.

Nike’s CTA, “Join our global community. Explore new opportunities:,” offers a clear and concise invite directing the audience exactly where they want. Using hashtags allows potential applicants to experience what life could be like at Nike. 

Nike’s ad copy works to capture the attention of quality talent, motivating them to pursue their dreams and make a positive change in their lives. With its positive message, inspiring tone, and unique approach, it stands out amongst other job ads by communicating the company’s values and demonstrating a commitment to investing in global talent.

Hubspot Academy

hubspot academy's ad

Hubspot academy’s ad is an ideal example to increase brand awareness and generate leads. When these are your main goals, keep your ad copy simple and easy to understand. 

The ad headline reads “Learn Instagram Marketing,” letting your audience know the main topic of the ad. The main body further explains that they can master the art of creating captivating Instagram ads that will drive leads and sell more.

The link provided is to their academy page, where viewers can find out even more information on how to go about mastering Instagram marketing. Finally, the CTA “Learn More” is clear and concise for any reader wanting to know more about what Hubspot Academy offers. Seeing this ad, anyone wanting to learn Instagram marketing will act as they prove their marketing tactics with this ad.

ad copy example by is a popular travel site that offers booking services for various occasions worldwide. Their ad copy is a great example of how to increase conversions, as it speaks directly to those looking for the best flight deal.

The headline “Find the Best Flight For You” immediately establishes that offers customers flexible booking options and a wide range of choices to make their travel dreams come true.

The main body of the ad further conveys this message by saying, “Flexible booking options will leave you feeling free as a bird”. This playful statement, the link to, and the call-to-action to “Book Now” all come together to create an inviting and convincing message that encourages customers to purchase.

The conversational yet informational tone in this ad helps make the reader feel welcomed and appreciated – a surefire way to increase conversions.


gopuff Benadryl ad

GoPuff is a consumer goods and delivery company that sets an example for marketers who like cheeky and off-beat ad copy ideas. In this simple yet catchy advertisement, GoPuff acknowledges a customer’s order of three packs of Benadryl at 10:30 in the morning, which can relate to many people with allergies.

GoPuff speaks directly to its customers and shows empathy for whatever issue or ailment the person may be experiencing. Through the hashtag “#screwyoupollen,” GoPuff creates an even more relatable message for those dealing with allergies and creates an interactive customer experience. With this relatable and humorous ad copy, GoPuff sets a new creative marketing standard.

Dollar Shave Club

Dollar Shave Club - ad copy examples

The Dollar Shave Club is a personal grooming products company that delivers grooming products. Their ad connects instantly with humor and witty copies. This ad encourages people to try their shaving products without needing a subscription.

This is an example that not every word in your ad relates to your product or service but can be included to catch attention. The playful “wink wink” adds a cheeky touch to this ad and highlights Dollar Shave Club’s fun personality.

They promote the convenience of getting their products from their website or local retailer. With an upbeat, humorous twist, they invite customers to try their products. They have also placed the link in the copy for convenience.

Key Takeaways

Writing an ad copy that resonates with your customers while standing out from the competition is key to a successful ad campaign. The ad copy examples discussed here are inspirational and a bar-setter for your next ad campaign.

These ads tell us that your ad copies should have the following:

  • A clear and concise message
  • Resonating with your target audience while bearing your brand tone
  • A clear CTA directing the audience’s actions
  • A sense of urgency
  • FOMO and emotional trigger words, so the copy is compelling
  • Keywords to identify the audience and appear in search results

Use Publer’s AI assist if you are facing writer’s block and want to save time on brainstorming. The AI assistant develops unique ideas and generates copies based on your input. Get started today.

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