
Getting Started with Facebook Touch: What You Need to Know

October 17, 2022
facebook touch

Facebook is one of the most important social media marketing platforms, owing to a huge user base. It has developed into a multi-billion dollar platform with tens of millions of users visiting it daily since it was founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg and his Harvard classmates. It is still growing in popularity among both individuals and businesses. This makes it an integral part of most marketers’ social media marketing plans.

The potential for marketing and Facebook advertising to reach an audience have never been greater because of the variety of active users. However, as the audience grows, so does the competition to reach them. 

Being here in our article we assume that you also are one of the 2.5 billion monthly users of Facebook. So now we have a question: Do you use your desktop or your smartphone to access it?

If you love apps as much as we do, you will probably be part of the 81.8% of Facebook users that love to tap into their profile or business account straight from the Facebook app. It feels convenient and practical, right? Well, yes… if you haven’t tried Facebook Touch yet!

You need to know that Facebook Touch was not created by Facebook itself. A company named H5, which was later bought by Lighthouse, introduced this app in 2009. It’s an advanced application that was created especially for touchscreen mobile devices. The interface is simple, and it offers a number of distinctive characteristics.

facebook touch and facebook app

What’s The Difference Between Facebook Touch and Facebook App 

Being specifically designed to be used from smartphones, Facebook Touch, runs faster than the traditional app. Users are delighted with a friendlier interface and improved graphics. Furthermore, Facebook Touch can be used even with a sluggish internet connection!

Let’s hop into a thorough list of what differentiates the two:

  • Facebook Touch has more sophisticated features overall than the standard Facebook interface.  As mentioned above, this is due to the fact that Facebook Touch is made specifically for mobile users, but the resolution of regular Facebook diminishes when used on a smartphone.
  • Because of its specific design to serve smartphones, Facebook Touch provides a better user experience while using less data.
  • The web address will be a different one for each. You will find when accessing Facebook on a browser, but you will read when looking for Facebook Touch. 
  • You’ll find better displays and higher-quality visuals once you’re on Facebook Touch. 

How To Get Facebook Touch 

By this point you will be naturally asking: “How do I get Facebook Touch?” For sure you will not be able to find them rummaging and scrolling through apps in the App Store or Google Play.  

To safely download and start using Facebook Touch you have to rigorously follow certain steps. The process is easy and we are here to guide you through.

So first things first! You must modify the authorisation settings on your device in order to permit the installation of apps from unidentified senders.
Once you’ve done that, you will be ready to download the APK file (don’t worry, we will explain what an APK file is below).

Go to your web browser of choice and type: “download facebook touch”. Once the result pops up, select it and click on the download button. Now you can launch it and log in.

For all of those who don’t know, an APK file consists of many files and additional metadata, making it an archive file. Other archive file formats, including ZIP and RAR, are undoubtedly already recognizable to most of you.

Facebook Touch Features 

UI: As mentioned above Facebook Touch is created keeping in mind that its users will always be: smartphone users, individuals scrolling through touch screens. This means that all the buttons, images, dimensions and all the redirections are thoroughly thought and designed to bring the smoothest experience.

Image Quality: Forget about pixelated or blurred out images due to malfunctions or connection problems. Facebook Touch loads the optimum media quality. 

Loading Time: Did anyone mention loading? Yes, we did! If you struggle with slow connection, you will love this feature.
Pictures, videos, and other material will load into your Internet browser more quickly thanks to the way H5 is developed, and they will also use less data thanks to Touch’s touch screen optimization.

Battery Life and Memory Need: Cookies, caches, images, apps… All these tiny little things can add up and occupy your space and drain your battery. Being a web-page-based service, FT will operate on any browser you use. So you won’t have to worry about it consuming your phone’s battery or populating the memory storage with unnecessary data.

facebook touch battery

Who is Facebook Touch For? 

There are really no limitations as in who can use Facebook Touch. This service is available to absolutely everyone without discrimination. Nevertheless most people are already used to their traditional Facebook app, so the ones that will probably prefer to use Facebook Touch instead, might be the users who are not using iOS or Android devices.

This can also be a great alternative if the app is facing technical issues or is being updated and you have temporarily restricted access to it. 

Is Facebook Touch Worth It? 

If you are looking for an improved experience then the answer is definitely YES!
Ditching your usual app will increase your user satisfaction, will ease your way to all the features that you need without sacrificing your phone’s valuable assets. 


Key Takeaways 

Facebook is certainly not the first social media platform ever created, but is for sure going strong with at least 2.91 billion monthly active users. If you are part of the 30% that checks their Facebook page or profile at least once a day, chances are you are doing it from your smartphone.  

Facebook Touch is a great way to substitute the usage of the traditional Facebook app and to enjoy all the benefits it has to offer: 

  • You don’t need an app to use it
  • It will preserve your phone precious memory space and battery life

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