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Stay Ahead of the Game: Introducing Competitor Analysis in Publer!

April 30, 2024
Publer Competitor Analysis

Do you ever wonder what your social media competitors are up to? Are you curious about what kind of content resonates with their audience? Look no further! Publer, your one-stop shop for social media management, is excited to announce the launch of our brand-new Competitor Analysis feature.

In case you’re new here, Publer is a powerful social media management platform that helps you schedule posts, automate your content calendar, and analyze performance across all major social media platforms. (among many other features)

Social media today is CROWDED, and keeping an eye on what your competitors are doing is crucial for success. To win the race you need to make sure you know the road well.

With Publer’s Competitor Analysis feature, you can gain valuable insights to stay ahead of the curve. The newly added feature acts like your social media spyglass, giving you a peek into your competitor’s world. By analyzing their performance metrics and top-performing content, you can collect valuable insights to inform your social media strategy. This allows you to refine your approach, identify potential content gaps, and ultimately achieve your social media goals.

What Is Competitor Analysis And What Can You Do With Publer?

Publer Competitor Analysis

So, you’re ready to dive into the world of competitor analysis with Publer! But what exactly can you do with this awesome new feature?

Publer Competitor Analysis lets you stack your social media numbers against the competition. Simply choose a competitor on the same platform (Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram) as your social media account, and Publer will do the magic.

Imagine having a cheat sheet for your competitor’s social media strategy. That’s what Competitor Analysis provides! You’ll be able to see key metrics like posts, followers, engagement, reach, and even the types of content they’re using (photos, videos, links, etc.).

This intel is like gold for social media managers! By understanding how your competitors are performing, you can identify areas where you might be able to up your game. Let’s say you see your competitor crushing it with engaging videos, this might inspire you to experiment with incorporating more video content into your own strategy.

How to Use Publer Competitor Analysis: A Step-by-Step Guide.

Ready to unlock the secrets of your competitors and dominate the social media landscape? Let’s dive into how to use Publer’s Competitor Analysis feature. It’s as easy as 1-2-3!

1. Choosing Your Competitors

First things first, you need to identify your social media rivals. Head over to the “Competitor Analysis” section in Publer. Here, you’ll see the option to “Add Competitor.” Simply select the social media account you want to analyze (Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram) and search for your competitor’s page by name. Publer will do the rest!

Publer Competitor Analysis - Add Competitor

Pro Tip: You can add up to 10 competitors per social media account, giving you a well-rounded picture of the competitive landscape.

2. Set the Time Range

Once you’ve added your competitors, you can choose the time period you want to analyze. By default, Publer shows you data for the last 7 days. However, you’re not limited to that! Feel free to adjust the time range to a custom period that best suits your needs.

Publer Competitor Analysis filtered by time period

3. Analyze the Data

Here comes the fun part! Publer will shortly present you with tons of valuable insights about your competitors. You’ll see key metrics like the number of posts, follower growth, engagement rate, reach, and even the types of content they’re using (photos, videos, links, etc.).

By analyzing this data, you can identify trends, understand what content resonates with your competitor’s audience, and see where you might have room for improvement.

Just like any other Analytics section, you can export all the data you see on the screen.

Export Competitor Data

Generate presentation-ready PDF reports packed with clear, digestible data visualizations, or access raw data in a fully editable CSV format for advanced analysis, custom calculations, and data manipulation.

Knowledge is power! The more you understand your competitors, the better equipped you’ll be to develop a winning social media strategy.

Key Metrics Analyzed by Publer: Decoding Your Competitor’s Success

Publer Competitor Analysis goes beyond just showing you random numbers. It dives deep to reveal the key metrics that truly matter in your social media race. Let’s crack the code on these social media metrics!

Competitor Metrics

1. Posts

This metric shows you how often your competitors are posting on a particular platform. Are they constantly bombarding their audience with content, or do they take a more measured approach? This data can help you determine your own posting frequency to stay relevant without overwhelming your followers.


This one’s a no-brainer! Tracking your competitor’s follower growth can tell you a lot about their audience engagement and brand awareness. Are they steadily gaining traction, or are they struggling to attract new followers? Analyzing this metric can help you identify strategies to expand your own reach and audience base.

3. Engagement

Engagement is all about how your audience interacts with your content. Publer Competitor Analysis will show you how your competitors’ content is performing in terms of likes, comments, shares, etc. By analyzing this data, you can see what type of content resonates with their audience and get inspired to create more engaging content for your own followers.

4. Reach

Reach refers to the number of unique people who see your competitor’s content. This metric is important because it shows you how far your competitor’s message is spreading. By understanding their reach, you can set goals to improve the visibility of your own content.

5. Photos & Videos vs. Links & Text Updates

Publer Competitor Analysis also breaks down the types of content your competitors are using. Are they leaning heavily toward visuals like photos and videos, or are they focusing on text-based updates? This data can help you understand what kind of content performs best on the specific platform you’re analyzing and inform your own content mix.

Steal the Spotlight: Get Inspired by Your Competitor’s Top Posts.

The new Competitor Analysis goes beyond just showing you metrics – it unlocks the secrets behind your competitor’s most successful content! This is where things get really exciting.

Publer dives deep into your competitor’s content and reveals their top-performing posts. These are the posts that have generated the most engagement (likes, comments, shares) and reached the widest audience.

Competitor Post insights

Being able to see what content resonates most with your competitor’s audience is invaluable information! By analyzing their top posts, you can:

  • Identify content trends: Are your competitors crushing it with funny memes, insightful infographics, or behind-the-scenes glimpses? Understanding these trends can inspire you to create similar content for your own audience.
  • See what kind of visuals work: Do your competitors’ photo posts outperform their text-based updates? This data can help you decide what type of visuals to incorporate into your own strategy.
  • Get content creation inspiration: Feeling stuck in content inspiration? Analyzing your competitor’s top posts can spark new ideas and help you brainstorm fresh content for your social media channels.

Remember: Don’t just copy your competitors! Use the insights from their top posts to create unique and engaging content that resonates with your own audience. After all, the goal is to stand out, not be a copycat!

Competitor Analysis Now in the Publer App

The power of Publer’s Competitor Analysis is not confined solely to your desktop! The game-changing feature is also available on the Publer mobile app. This means you can stay on top of your competitor’s social media strategies anytime, anywhere. Analyze metrics, see their top-performing posts, and gain valuable insights to optimize your social media strategy – all from the palm of your hand!

Publer App Competitor Analysis

Download the Publer App today and unleash the full potential of social media competition in a convenient and mobile-friendly way!

Improved Best Times To Post: Adding Competitor Data to the Equation.

So, you’ve analyzed your competitor’s metrics, gotten a sneak peek at their top posts, and now you’re armed with valuable insights! But how do you use this intel to supercharge your social media strategy? 

Publer takes competitor data a step further and uses it to improve your own best times to post feature. This means that by analyzing when your competitors are most active and generating engagement, Publer can refine your posting schedule to better reach your target audience.

Best times to post Publer Competitors

This is a game-changer for the best times to post on your social media! With Publer Competitor Analysis, you can stop guessing and start scheduling your content for maximum impact.

Competitor Analysis: A Powerful Addition to Publer Analytics

By integrating seamlessly with Publer Analytics, Competitor Analysis provides a holistic view of your social media performance. You can now analyze your own metrics alongside your competitor’s data, giving you a comprehensive understanding of the competitive landscape.

This powerful combination allows you to:

  • Identify areas for improvement: By comparing your metrics to your competitors, you can pinpoint areas where you might be lagging behind. Is your follower growth stagnant? Is your engagement lower than your competitors’? Competitor Analysis helps you identify these gaps so you can develop targeted strategies to improve.
  • Benchmark your performance: Having a clear picture of how your social media efforts stack up against the competition is crucial for setting realistic goals. Competitor Analysis allows you to benchmark your performance and track your progress over time.
  • Stay ahead of the curve: The social media landscape is constantly evolving. By keeping an eye on your competitors’ strategies and content trends, you can ensure your own approach stays fresh and relevant.

Competitor Analysis has undergone a beta phase before the official release, for us to make sure you’re getting a complete feature. Our big team of active Publer Ambassadors has had plenty of time to play with the feature and help us improve on it.

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