
How To Track Twitter Mentions

July 22, 2022
track twitter mentions

As a company owner or public figure, monitoring what people say about you on social media is critical. Keeping track of Twitter mentions helps you maintain your online reputation. Not only can this help you stay on top of any “bad press,” but it may also provide insight into what people enjoy about you and your brand by keeping in touch with relevant conversations.

In this post, we discuss what Twitter mentions are and some simple methods for tracking them.

twitter homescreen

What Are Twitter Mentions Exactly?

A mention is a way of tagging someone in a tweet. A mention can be in the form of a reply, quote tweet, or citing a username.

To mention an account in a Tweet, use the @ symbol and begin typing in the user’s Twitter handle, or use the Twitter name search function to find the account you want to mention. 

When someone is mentioned in a tweet, they will get an email notification (if they’re subscribed to email notifications).

What Are Twitter Mentions Exactly?

Why Track Twitter Mentions?

Mentions let you know when you’ve been talked about on the platform and are an excellent tool for following discussions you’ve had on Twitter. Mentions show your activity in specific communities. Which helps users find new leads, connect with customers, and build relationships with influencers in their niche.  Mentions help increase your reach by exposing your account to more people. So it’s important to know who’s mentioning you and where and how often. 

How To Track Twitter Mentions

There are a few different ways to track Twitter mentions. The most basic method is simply searching for your name or business in the Twitter search bar. This will show you all the tweets that mention you, but it won’t be very organized, and it can be hard to sift through everything.

Another way to track Twitter mentions is through Google Alerts. Just go to and set up a new alert for your username or company name. You can also create alerts for specific keywords or phrases.

The great thing about Google Alerts is that you can set up as many alerts as you want for free. And you can tailor the frequency and type of results you get. So if you only want to get real-time email alerts when someone tweets about your company, you can do that. Or, if you only want to get daily RSS updates of all the latest tweets that include your company name, you can do that too.

tweetdeck mentions

However, the (best) most detailed way to track Twitter mentions is using a third-party tool, and Tweetdeck is one of the most popular tools out there. Here’s a quick rundown on how to use it: 

First, log into your Tweetdeck account and click on the “Create Column” button. Then, select the “Mentions” option from the drop-down menu. This will create a new column that will automatically populate with any tweets that mention your @username. 

To get even more specific, you can click on the “Filter” button in the Mentions column and enter some additional keywords or hashtags. This can be helpful if you’re trying to track down a specific conversation or follow a particular event. 

Of course, you can also use Tweetdeck to keep track of other things like your timeline, direct messages, and search results. But the Mentions column is a great way to see what people are saying about you on Twitter quickly.

Key Takeaways

Overall, mention tracking is a valuable tool for companies and individuals looking to improve their social media presence. It can help you understand what people are saying about your brand and how you can improve your marketing strategy.

Mention tracking can also help you moderate your online reputation by identifying negative sentiments allowing you to take steps to address them. This can be done by monitoring Twitter for specific keywords and responding to unfavorable tweets—turning a negative into a positive. 

Already tracking your Twitter mentions? What tools are you using? Let us know in the comments section below.

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