
YouTube Algorithm Explained: 9+ Tips to Increase Views

September 25, 2024

The YouTube algorithm is a complex system that determines which videos are recommended to users. It ranks content on the platform based on several key factors, including popularity, watch time, and engagement, among others.

Understanding how this system works is crucial for brands and businesses looking to build a presence on YouTube, as it directly affects your visibility on the app. So, in today’s article, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about the YouTube algorithm and share essential tips on how to use it to your advantage.

Let’s jump in!

What is the YouTube Algorithm?

The YouTube algorithm relies on a set of factors to rank the videos on the platform. These factors can vary depending on where you are on the site. For instance, what you see on the homepage and in your suggested videos section will be largely different.

But before discussing how the current YouTube algorithm works, let’s take a look at how it has changed over the years:

  • 2005–2011. During this period, the YouTube algorithm prioritized clicks and views when ranking content, which means regardless of its quality, videos with more clicks ranked higher in search results. Unsurprisingly, this resulted in an increase in clickbait titles and thumbnails.
  • 2012. To address the prevalence of clickbait videos, the platform updated its algorithm to focus on watch time and video completion. This ensured that the top-ranking videos were those that users actually watched. However, to adjust for this shift, creators started making their videos shorter to ensure people finished watching them and longer to increase their channel’s watch time.
  • 2015. Since watch time and video completion could easily be manipulated by adjusting the length of the video, it also wasn’t an accurate factor for determining content quality. So, YouTube updated its algorithm again, this time to prioritize user preferences. This was done through surveys and the use of shares, likes, and dislikes.
  • 2016–present. Starting in 2016, the YouTube algorithm changed its systems to reduce the amount of misinformation and dangerous content on the app, and it continues to do so today.

However, despite the continued updates to its systems to improve content recommendation and user satisfaction, studies show that the algorithm has some bias outside of the user’s interests when it comes to recommending content. So, the content you see on YouTube may still not be a complete representation of your preferences on the app.

How Does the YouTube Algorithm Work in 2024?

The YouTube algorithm in 2024 works by recommending highly relevant and customized content to users based on different factors. Google, the company that owns YouTube, has released various elements that the algorithm uses to rank content in different areas of the app.

We’ll go over each one below:

Homepage Content

The YouTube algorithm recommends a new set of videos to users when they visit the site, but everyone’s homepage content will be different depending on these factors:

  • Performance. YouTube measures performance using click-through rate, average watch time, likes, dislikes, and audience votes. After uploading the video, the algorithm shows it to some users on the homepage to attract, engage, and satisfy those viewers.
  • Watch and search history. Personalization means that YouTube serves videos that are relevant to your interests based on your viewing history. YouTube will offer specific topics and channels based on user behavior.

Trending Videos

Unlike the homepage, the Trending feed isn’t based on the user’s activity on the platform but on the general popularity of content by location.

The YouTube algorithm considers the following factors to determine what videos to include on the trending list:

  • View count
  • How quickly the video is generating views
  • Traffic sources, including those outside of YouTube
  • The age of the video
  • The video’s performance compared to other recent uploads from the channel

Suggested Videos

YouTube uses slightly different reasoning when suggesting what videos people should watch next. After a person watches a few videos during a visit, the algorithm has a better idea of ​​what the person is interested in today, so it offers a few options on the right side of the screen.

In addition to performance and personalization, the YouTube algorithm is most likely to recommend the following:

  • Videos the users often watch
  • Trending videos
  • Videos the user has watched in the past

YouTube Search Results

According to YouTube, the search results don’t represent the most viewed videos for that specific keyword. Instead, the YouTube algorithm customizes the results for each user based on these signals:

  • Video’s performance and engagement
  • How well the video’s elements (title, description, and content) match the viewer’s search intent

9+ Essential Tips & Strategies to Make the YouTube Algorithm Work for You

youtube algorithm strategies and hacks

Now that you know how the YouTube algorithm works, it’s time to apply this knowledge to your content and use it to improve performance and visibility.

Here are some essential tips to help you crack the code for the YouTube algorithm:

#1. Think About Your Audience

The key to leveraging the YouTube algorithm for views is to create videos with your audience in mind. Here are some questions you can ask yourself when planning your content strategy:

  • What is your main demographic on YouTube?
  • Why do they use the platform?
  • What are their interests?

Knowing this information will allow you to create relevant content that gets more views and longer watch times. Fortunately, you can easily find this data and other relevant KPIs on the native YouTube analytics tool.

Moreover, engaged viewers tend to interact with videos more, which is another important ranking signal for the YouTube algorithm. By tailoring your videos to meet your audience’s preferences, you can boost their chances of appearing on the homepage, recommended section, and search results.

#2. Create Eye-Catching Thumbnails

YouTube thumbnails are one of the most important elements of a successful video. A well-designed thumbnail can capture viewers’ attention, while a poorly designed one can lead to lower click-through rates and views.

So, how do you create an eye-catching thumbnail?

For one, consider using bold colors and elements to immediately grab the viewer’s attention, whether in search results or on the homepage. According to research by Dong (2024), YouTube thumbnails that emphasize a distant background and only one person in the image can positively impact a video’s engagement.

Meanwhile, if you’re using YouTube for business, you may want to emphasize your branding on the thumbnail by using a custom color palette and font that matches your aesthetic. In fact, one analysis of the top videos showed that thumbnails with a brand’s logo generated 1.2 million more views than those without.

In addition to the visuals, we also recommend adding text to your thumbnail to provide some context for the viewer and build intrigue as to what the video is about. After all, the viewer will see your video’s thumbnail first before its title, so it’s a great way to hook them in and encourage views.

#3. Check Out the Competition

According to Sun Tzu in The Art of War: “If you know the enemy and you know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles,” which applies to social media as well. With thousands of businesses and creators on social media all vying for the attention of the same audiences, it pays to know what your competitors are doing.

This will allow you to identify opportunities for your brand and learn from their mistakes so you can optimize your videos for the YouTube algorithm. Try to compare similar videos where they outperformed you and analyze their titles or thumbnails to pinpoint the elements you were lacking.

#4. Conduct Keyword Research

To help your videos rank on search results, it’s important to conduct keyword research and leverage YouTube SEO in your content.

The YouTube algorithm uses keywords, hashtags, video tags, and other metadata to categorize your video, so it’s crucial to use relevant terms and phrases in the different parts of your video.

Fortunately, there are several tools you can use to conduct keyword research for YouTube, such as:

  • YouTube search suggestions. The app’s predictive suggestions on the search bar can be a great way to find long-term keywords for your content.
  • Google Trends. If you already have a list of potential keywords, you can use Google Trends to determine their popularity. Simply enter a keyword into the search bar and customize the view to YouTube Search to see the term’s popularity over time. You can also use this tool to compare similar terms and help you find the best keywords to use in your content.
  • YouTube Analytics research report. This report shows your audience’s most commonly used search terms. You can find this by signing into the YouTube Studio, going to Analytics, and tapping Research under Channel analytics.
  • YouTube Trending page. The Trending page can help you find popular topics and current trends on the platform.

#5. Utilize YouTube’s Built-In Features

The app has several built-in features that can help you boost content performance and improve user engagement, two key ranking factors for the YouTube algorithm.

For one, the YouTube community tab is an excellent place to interact with your followers through posts, conversations, and polls. This will help you create stronger connections with your audience and encourage them to engage with your content.

You can also create playlists to organize all related videos and make it easier for viewers to binge-watch your content. If you don’t have enough similar content for a playlist, you can also use end screens and cards to promote your other content, which will improve your overall views and watch time.

#6. Upload More Consistently

Like with any social media platform, uploading content regularly will help you grow your subscriber base. However, keep in mind that not only should your uploads be consistent, but your brand voice, tone, colors, and personality should be consistent as well.

When your audience knows what they can expect from your channel, they are more likely to subscribe to it. Fortunately, you can easily build a regular posting schedule by using the Publer scheduling tool in your strategy.

With this tool, you can easily manage and schedule your YouTube videos to grow your channel consistently. Plus, maintaining an active channel can be a good signal for the YouTube algorithm and will positively affect its visibility.

#7. Engage Your Audience

As we mentioned, user engagement is an important factor for the YouTube algorithm, so don’t forget to engage your audience by liking or responding to their comments. You can even pin YouTube comments with active conversations to feature them at the top of the comments section and encourage other viewers to participate.

With content publishing already handled by Publer’s automatic scheduling feature, you can even host a YouTube Live to interact with your followers in real time. While this won’t have any direct effect on the algorithm or your existing content, it’s highly effective at engaging your audience and promoting upcoming videos.

#8. Try Different Video Ideas and Formats

The best way to find out what content your audience wants is by experimenting with different video ideas and formats. You can try creating a tutorial, interview, or video series to see which content generates the most views and engagement.

Aside from regular videos and live streams, you can also utilize YouTube Shorts to reach new audiences. While the YouTube algorithm for Shorts is different from regular videos, you can use this content format to highlight the best parts of your longer videos.

With their shorter length, YouTube Shorts are also much more versatile and can be used to cross-post on different social media sites like TikTok or Instagram to increase your reach further. The best part is you can schedule YouTube Shorts just as you would other content on the site, so you don’t have to worry about missing any opportunities for engagement.

#9. Improve Video Accessibility

With the platform’s diverse user base, one way to optimize your content for the YouTube algorithm and boost views is by improving your video’s accessibility with subtitles and translated titles and descriptions.

If your main demographic on YouTube speaks a different language, you can provide translations of your video title and description to allow your content to rank for these searches. Meanwhile, adding subtitles to your videos will make them more accessible for both viewers with hearing impairments and non-native speakers.

Aside from the benefit of the algorithm, making your videos accessible will reflect positively on your brand and can influence viewer loyalty.

#10. Track & Analyze Metrics

Tracking and analyzing your content’s metrics is an effective way to keep up with the YouTube algorithm and ensure that your videos are optimized for success. For instance, if your recent uploads don’t generate as many views as your previous content, that doesn’t necessarily mean that the YouTube algorithm is broken.

Instead, check your metrics and identify what has changed across your videos—is it the keywords used, the video thumbnail, or the editing style? Or perhaps the change is external, and your audience’s interests have simply shifted over time.

Regardless of the reason, checking your YouTube analytics regularly will help you stay ahead of the curve and continuously grow your channel.

Key Takeaways

  • The YouTube algorithm is the system that ranks content on the platform and determines what videos to show on various parts of the app.
  • The YouTube algorithm works by analyzing a user’s watch history, interests, and search intent to recommend relevant videos. The algorithm also considers other external factors, including a video’s performance, engagement, and age.
  • If you want your videos to rank better and get more views, you need to upload more consistently, leverage YouTube’s built-in features, and experiment with video ideas. It’s also important to optimize the content for your audience, monitor your metrics, and improve your videos’ accessibility.

YouTube Algorithm FAQ

#1. What triggers the YouTube algorithm?

The YouTube algorithm is triggered by multiple factors, namely the video’s watch time and engagement, as well as its relevance to the user and their watch history.

#2. How to go viral on YouTube?

To go viral on YouTube, you need the right combination of quality content, relevant topics, an engaging presentation, and proper optimization. Though some luck is still involved in achieving YouTube virality, these tips can help improve your content’s discoverability on the platform and make it more interesting for the viewer.

#3. Do comments affect the YouTube algorithm?

Comments don’t directly affect the YouTube algorithm since the creator can choose to turn them off for a specific video. However, comments, along with likes and shares, are a positive sign of engagement, which is an important signal for the YouTube algorithm.

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