
The YouTube Algorithm Explained: Homepage & Suggested Videos

March 03, 2023
youtube algorithm

As the world’s second-largest search engine, YouTube is a powerful tool for content creators and brands looking to reach new audiences and grow their businesses.

However, understanding how YouTube algorithm works can be complicated as there are many factors for recommended videos.

Today’s blog post covers the two most essential components of the YouTube algorithm:

  • Homepage algorithm 
  • Suggested videos

By the end of this article, you will know how the YouTube algorithm works and how to optimize your videos for maximum views and engagement, increase your YouTube audience, and enhance your chances of reaching your goals. You might even get inspired with a new YouTube video idea along the way.

What is the YouTube Algorithm and What Does it Do?

The YouTube algorithm is a complex system determining which videos are recommended to users. YouTube uses a variety of factors to evaluate each video, including:

What is the YouTube Algorithm and What Does it Do?
  • User’s viewing history
  • Search History
  • Engagement with previous videos
  • External factors (overall audience or market)  

By analyzing this data, the algorithm can predict which videos a user will most likely watch and recommend them accordingly.

How the YouTube Algorithm Works

Creating high-quality, engaging content and using SEO best practices can increase your chances of appearing in users’ recommended videos and growing your YouTube audience.

Let’s dive into how the YouTube algorithm works and the factors influencing its decision-making process. 

Weight Factors in the YouTube Algorithm

Here are the key factors that the algorithm takes into account when it comes to your audience: 

  • What viewers are watching: Meaning that which videos viewers spend more time watching. 
  • What viewers don’t watch: This includes videos that viewers click and then leave, which damages the click-through rate.
  • How long viewers watch: The longer viewers watch, the higher your click-through rate.
  • What users like and/or dislike: When users press the like and dislike buttons.
  • Not interested option: Viewers clicking this option impacts (badly) your videos.
  • Viewers’ demographic and geographic information: The algorithm looks at viewers’ particular locations and demographics when suggesting videos to viewers.
  • Viewers’ previously watched videos: If a user has watched similar videos, you have a better chance to appear in recommended videos.
  • Watch history: Using a highly searched keyword in your videos is helpful because if many people have searched that specific word, your video may be recommended to more people.
  • Impressions: Meaning how many viewers see your video suggested to them. 
  • Video thumbnail: This is the preview image. A/B test your video thumbnails and use a format that works well while remaining authentic.
  • The frequency of video uploads: Meaning being an active channel.
  • How long a video has been online: New videos will be recommended to users with similar interests.
  • A video’s growth rate: Videos with a high growth rate have a better chance to appear on the trending page.
  • Video engagement: Engagement (likes, dislikes, comments, shares) shows interest in your videos, and the algorithm will suggest it to more viewers.

YouTube’s Homepage Algorithm

YouTube’s Suggested Video

Every time a person opens the YouTube app or types on, the algorithm provides different videos that the person wants to watch.

The YouTube homepage algorithm recommends videos to users when they first log in. It uses a variety of factors to determine which videos to show, including:

  • User’s viewing history
  • Search History
  • Engagement with previous videos

Here are some key factors that influence the YouTube homepage algorithm:

  • Performance: YouTube measures performance using click-through rate, average watch time, likes, dislikes, and audience votes. After uploading the video, the algorithm shows it to some users on the homepage to attract, engage and satisfy those viewers.
  • Personalization: Personalization means that YouTube serves videos relevant to your interests based on your viewing history. YouTube will offer specific topics and channels based on user behavior.

YouTube’s Suggested Video Algorithm

YouTube uses slightly different reasoning when suggesting what videos people should watch next. After a person watches a few videos during a visit, the algorithm has a better idea of ​​what the person is interested in today, so it offers a few options on the right side of the screen.

In addition to performance and personalization, algorithms are most likely to recommend:

  • Videos the users often watch
  • Trending Videos
  • Videos the user has watched in the past

Pro tip: You can use YouTube Analytics to find out what other videos your viewers have watched to find broader and related topics and interests your viewers are interested in. Additionally, incorporating YouTube Stories can help you engage with your audience more frequently and keep them coming back for more content.

How to Get More Views on YouTube

If you’re a content creator or business on YouTube, you’re likely always looking for ways to increase your views and grow your audience. One effective strategy is to learn how to advertise on YouTube; this can significantly boost your exposure and attract more subscribers to your channel.

Read below some effective strategies for getting more views on YouTube and growing your channel.

Video Descriptions and Titles

Over time you should create a worthwhile YouTube SEO video description so that the algorithm can clearly understand the video’s intent.

After doing keyword research properly, match these keywords with natural language to increase your chances of appearing on SERPs. 

Optimize your video titles and create engaging social media images for your thumbnails to get more clicks than everyone else.

Pro Tip: Include keywords in your video titles, descriptions, and thumbnails to increase your click-through rate.

Thumbnail Images

Thumbnail images on YouTube are one of the most important elements of a successful video. 

A well-designed thumbnail can capture viewers’ attention and entice them to watch your video, while a poorly designed thumbnail can lead to lower click-through rates and views. 

Pro Tip: Create compelling thumbnails so you will reduce your bounce rate.  

Consistent Upload Schedule

Consistency in your content will help you with the YouTube algorithm and grow your engagement and subscriber base.

Not only should your uploads be consistent, but your brand voice, tone, colors, and personality should also be consistent.

With Publer, you can easily schedule and manage your YouTube videos to grow your channel consistently. Read this article to learn more!

easily schedule and manage your YouTube videos

Key Takeaways 

Understanding the key factors influencing YouTube algorithms can help your business optimize your videos for maximum visibility and engagement.

  • Include keywords in your video titles, descriptions, and thumbnails to increase your click-through rate.
  • Create compelling thumbnails so you will reduce your bounce rate.
  • With Publer, you can easily schedule and manage your YouTube videos to grow your channel consistently.

What do you think of today’s article? Let us know in the comments!

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