
Be the First to Schedule Threads: Publer’s Solution for the New Instagram Companion App

December 14, 2023
Publer's Solution for the New Instagram Companion App

Who can keep up with social media these days?

The industry is ever-changing as new tools and platforms just keep on coming. This year things were a bit different: Meta came head-to-head with Twitter/ X while launching its newest Instagram companion app called Threads.

Threads made big waves when it first launched and it has grown ever since as a powerful tool for engaging audiences and fostering meaningful connections. By weaving together a series of interconnected posts, Threads allows users to share in-depth stories, captivating narratives, and thought-provoking discussions.

What Is Threads?

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Threads app emerged on the social media scene as a testament to the evolving nature of digital communication. Launched by Meta on July 5, 2023, Threads was conceived as a platform for more intimate and personal sharing among close friends, similar to a private group chat.

In response to the growing demand for authentic connections, Threads allowed users to share text updates, images, and videos exclusively with a select group. The app’s focus on immediacy and privacy offered a unique alternative to the broader reach of Instagram, introducing a fresh way to engage with a smaller, curated audience.

Since its inception, Threads has undergone updates and refinements, solidifying its position as a powerful tool for fostering genuine connections in the dynamic landscape of social media.

Why Do Businesses and Brands Need to Use Threads?

Post by @vin.kalemi
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There are several reasons why businesses and brands should consider using Threads:

  • Connect with your audience on a deeper level. Threads provides a more intimate way to connect with your audience and build stronger relationships.
  • Share news and updates in real-time. Threads is a great way to share real-time news, updates, and promotions with your followers.
  • Get feedback from your customers. Threads is a great way to get customer feedback and learn more about their needs.
  • Run contests and giveaways. Threads is a great way to run contests and giveaways to generate excitement and engagement.
  • Get creative with your content. You can use Threads to share a variety of content, including text, images, videos, and polls.

Publer App – Download Now and Be the First to Schedule Threads with Publer

Schedule threads

Unfortunately, since Meta has not released a public API for Threads yet, you cannot use any third-party scheduler to plan your Threads content.

Except for Publer! 🙌

We have managed to create a workaround that allows you to share posts to the Threads app via push notifications/reminders, with the help of the Publer Mobile App.

In case you’re not familiar with our mobile app, it essentially is your familiar Publer web dashboard, tailored for a quick and easy mobile experience that allows you to work on your Publer Workspace even through your smartphone.

Besides scheduling on all Publer-supported social media platforms, one of the most important features of the Publer App is push notifications.

Whenever we have API limitations to schedule on new social media networks or schedule certain types of unsupported posts, we rely on push notifications to send all the content necessary for your post to your phone, and all you need to do is paste and hit Publish!

Once you have connected the Threads app to Publer, you can proceed with creating, scheduling, and publishing posts with the help of push notifications.

Threads app

How to Connect the Threads App in Publer

  • Go to Publer.
  • Navigate to the Social Accounts tab, from the navigation bar on the left.
  • Scroll down to Threads, and click on Connect.
Schedule Threads with Publer, Threads app, Schedule threads post
  • Select the Threads app.
  • Now, you can import the info from your Instagram account (if it is connected to Publer).
  • From the dropdown, choose the Instagram account that is connected with the specific Threads account that you want to connect.
import from instagram

On the other hand, you can also add the information (i.e. Profile Photo, Name, and Username) of your Threads account manually.

Schedule threads with Publer

Now that you have connected your Threads app to Publer, you can freely schedule your posts via push notifications.

How to Schedule Threads Posts with Publer

To schedule and post to the Threads app, after you have already connected your Threads account and installed the Publer Mobile app:

  • Go to Publer.
  • Select the Threads account you want to share the post to.
  • Then, design your post to your liking and schedule the post.

This means you will have finalized the first part of the scheduling process with the semi-automated system. Once the time comes, you will receive a push notification/reminder from the Publer mobile app, letting you know that your post is ready.

For this step to work, you need to make sure that you have turned on all your notifications from Publer.

To finalize and publish the post:

  • Click on the notification sent by the Publer mobile app.
  • Then, click on Go to Threads.
  • You will be redirected to the threads app, where you will be able to make any last-minute changes and then publish the post.

Keep in mind:

  • Publer won’t be able to gather insights, or sync posts, given the lack of an official API. However, you will always be able to find all the posts you share to your Threads account under the Posts > Posted tab.
  • The main post can contain a linka video (can’t exceed 5 minutes), a GIF, or up to 10 photos. However, the other posts of the thread (the other follow-up comments) can only be text.
  • You can add up to 25 posts for each thread, and each post cannot be more than 500 characters long.
  • You can’t use other post options, such as Auto-Delete or Auto-Share.

How To Use Threads For Your Brand

  • Complete your business or brand profile. Make sure to include a clear and concise description of your business or brand, as well as your contact information.
  • Follow your target audience. Follow your target audience on Threads so that you can see their posts and interact with them.
  • Share valuable content only. Share content that is relevant and interesting to your target audience.
  • Be active and engaging. Respond to comments and questions, and participate in conversations.
  • Use a consistent brand voice. Make sure that your Threads posts are consistent with your overall brand voice.
  • Use high-quality images and videos. Images and videos are more likely to capture attention and engagement.
  • Use Threads to promote your other social media channels. Include links to your other social media profiles in your Threads posts.
Post by @canva
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In addition to the benefits mentioned above, Threads is also a great way to:

  • Build a community around your brand. Threads can help you build a community of loyal fans passionate about your brand.
  • Humanize your brand. Threads can help you humanize your brand and make it more relatable to your audience.
  • Get ahead of the curve. Threads is a new and exciting platform that can help you get ahead of the curve and reach new customers.

Threads is a powerful tool that can help businesses and brands connect with their audience on a deeper level. By using Threads strategically, you can build stronger relationships with your customers, increase brand awareness, and drive sales.

Connect your Threads account now, download the Publer App, and stay relevant in the newest social media app!

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