
Social Media Scheduling Tools – Publer vs. Later

April 21, 2022
Social media scheduling tools

Why do content creators need social media scheduling tools? Why are social media platforms so important?
If these questions keep going back and forth in your mind, you should read further.

First, what’s your initial step when you want to reach out to someone? 

Right! Search on social media platforms! 

What’s your first go-to address to verify a brand’s reputation?

Exactly! Their social media accounts!

These two simple questions answer why social media is vital to raising your brand awareness and expanding your network.

Social media platforms support all our activities

Your potential customers are looking for your products/services online. Indeed, a good content strategy is key to your digital success. But, a thriving business has many aspects to think about. 

Therefore, you need time to focus on other departments and automate the marketing workflow.

So, once you have all your creative and promotional ideas ready for development, you need to choose among the top social media scheduling tools available.

Why are Social Media Scheduling Tools Important for Businesses?

With digital technology now taking over humanity, it’s not surprising that social media platforms have quickly become the most popular form for connecting with family members or managing businesses online. 

Statista Data anticipates that social media platforms will expand their influence in 2022!

The latest forecasts show 3.96 billion social media users worldwide in 2022. It’s significant growth from the past year. 

Importance of social media scheduling tools worldwide

It’s expected that by 2025 there will be 4.4 billion registered and active accounts. The number of social media users is growing at a rapid pace. 

The power of social media is unquestionable. They are vital for all businesses, no matter what size or industry you’re in! Therefore, social media scheduling tools are a fundamental need of content creators.

There are unlimited methods to use social media and promote your business. With 3.96 billion users worldwide, as reported in 2022, there’s no limit on the potential reach of these advertisements.

So, do you aspire to create and schedule all your social media posts from one dashboard? 

Create and schedule all your social media accounts from one dashboard - Publer

Social media managers have the tough job of managing multiple platforms. You may think social accounts are complicated with their different features and rules, but don’t worry! 

Experts have developed beneficial social media scheduling tools so users can manage posts across various platforms in just one place. 

Let’s take Publer vs. Later in this article. 

Why Publer vs. Later?

If you’re a creative user who seeks customization on all channels, these social media scheduling tools are the ultimate stop of your digital efforts.

They’re both favorably detailed in their features. 

Comparison of Publer and Later as top 2 social media scheduling tools.

Social media scheduling tools are vital to users worldwide. Whether you’re an influencer or a social media manager, you need to post consistently for your personal/business accounts. 

Outline of Publer and Later

With a friendly and easy-to-navigate dashboard, both Publer and Later have succeeded in making the process of building your social media marketing comfortable and intuitive for you. 

#1: All-In-One and Color-Coded Calendar

Publer and Later provide a welcoming and easy-to-navigate dashboard. Whether you are just starting your influencer career or an experienced social media manager, you won’t face any problems in managing all your social accounts. 

Everything can be done in one place, and no! You won’t get confused! 

Publer's calendar

These social media scheduling tools allow users to see their posts on a colored calendar. This is how you know which post is scheduled for Facebook and which one is for Linkedin. 

Labels, colors, tags, and other customizable facilities are one click away from creating, editing, and scheduling posts. 

A more objective comparison stands that Later is more focused on Instagram, while Publer covers details on all social media platforms. 

#2: In-Built Media Library

Publer and Later go beyond simply scheduling posts for social media platforms. They both offer the option to create, edit and save posts as drafts. 

Publer's media library view.

Another common nice-to-have feature is the access to high-quality stock photos. You can upload unlimited content to Publer and Later from anywhere. 

Import files with Publer at your media library from anywhere.

It’s easy to add files to your library from Dropbox, Google Drive, or desktop. 

#3: Life-Saving Hacks

Too many creative posts might be overwhelming. You can easily take notes on media files and get notified of mentions or tags. 

Moreover, you can efficiently find on-brand, shareable content through search options from the dashboard, hashtag, or URL. 

You can also search for new inspirational ideas and organize your posts with custom labels. You can even bulk upload and import CSV files.

schedule posts on multiple platforms with Publer

With Later, you can access editing tools, such as image enhancers, filters, and cropping for Facebook and Instagram.  Publer eases your editing skills for posts on all social media platforms. 

Another fantastic element of both social media scheduling tools is previewing your posts before publishing them. 

#4: Link in Bio

Both provide their users with the option to create landing pages. Link in Bio means associating social media bios to the posts. 

Publer permits lots of customization and offers a tutorial and demo to welcome users unfamiliar with the concept. 

Link in bio, best feature on social media scheduling tools.

For a better idea, you can check Publer’s Link in Bio and evaluate if that’s something you aspire to have for your business. 

#5: Interaction Management

Publer and Later have tailored features on Instagram. Later is highly detailed in providing deep analytics for Instagram, while Publer extends its data on all social media channels. 

Both Publer and Later ensure follow-up comments, hashtags, mentions of other users, and location. 

Publer allows the first and second follow-up comments for all social networks. Only for Twitter, you might add up to 15 follow-up comments, known as threads.

Follow up comments are important in online marketing

Both platforms make it easy to reply to messages and add emojis in your interaction with clients in the comments. With Later, you can filter comments by either inbox, post, or user view.

Mutual Drawback

Publer does not support stories currently, while Later includes the scheduling part. However, it is only possible with a semi-automated solution with the help of notifications.

Although Later is highly detailed on Instagram features, it doesn’t support the automatic publishing of Instagram Stories.

On Publer’s end, this is a temporary missing feature. Publer’s upcoming updates include Instagram Stories as one of the most popular trends among social media users. 

Instagram stories planned and scheduled with Later.

So, these two social media scheduling tools… 

The two platforms, Publer and Later, have a simple and attractive design that makes it easy for anyone to post on their social media accounts.

Schedule Facebook Post with Later.

Publer and Later are the to-go social media scheduling tools because of their easy-to-navigate dashboard, detailed features, and cutting-edge advantages. 

Schedule posts with Publer on multiple social media platforms.

Both hold some limitations in auto-sharing scheduled IG stories on different platforms. The best announcement is that Publer’s upcoming feature and mobile version will support planning Instagram Stories.

Main Differences between Publer and Later

#1: Limited Social Media Platforms

With Later, you can manage all your social media posts on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and Linkedin. 

Social media accounts supported by Later.

What about extending your activities on Telegram? Do you also need help scheduling your WordPress blog posts? Maybe you’re a vlogger whose work is mainly focused on Youtube. 

Publer provides scheduling options on all the supported social media channels from Later, plus WordPress, Google Business Profiles, YouTube, and Telegram platforms. 

Social media accounts supported by Publer.

#2: Analytics

Later users consider the accuracy of Instagram-focused analytics as the platform’s most significant benefit. Other users might deem this as a weak point. 

If you want to expand your brand awareness on all social media platforms and obtain accurate analytical data, then Publer is a better alternative. 

Analytics dashboard from Publer.

With Later, you might obtain a general report on audience engagement and the most successful posts. While Publer, on the other side, provides UTM parameters to track campaigns and create monthly analyses

Later is pretty limited in analytics for Facebook or Twitter and very detailed on Instagram. Your choice is up to your goals!

Still, we would highly recommend Publer for its accuracy on monthly reports for all social media platforms.

#3: Plans & Pricing of Social Media Scheduling Tools

A noteworthy difference is the upgrading method. With Publer, you will pay only the difference in the price if you upgrade your plan. Publer is the only SMMS in the market that saves your time and money. 

Save time and money with plans and pricing from Publer.

Both Publer and Later offer free trials. Plans start at $0/month with limited features. The bigger problem with Later is its limits on the number of monthly posts. Publer provides all-inclusive packages based on your business needs without breaking the bank.

#4: Custom Workflows

Most users who create accounts on social media scheduling tools plan to manage several social channels and won’t be the only users. 

Publer is the ideal alternative to create custom workflows where a whole team might coordinate and prioritize work for each user. 

On the other hand, Later provides only the option to add multiple team members (users) to manage specific social media accounts only by your authorization.

#5: Link Shortening

If you want to promote a new post with an affiliate program, it’s probably a long link. Be careful not to post something that users might deem as spam and won’t click on. 

Publer provides a fantastic option for shortening the link. It’s the most wanted feature from serious content creators who pay attention to their posts in content and aesthetics too. 

The instant access to link shorteners from Publer’s is vital to providing trustworthy links to clients. 

Shorten links with Publer's URL settings.

A shorter link is more likely to obtain a higher click-through rate, so they are helpful. This feature is unavailable on many integrations that Later provides to its users.

#6: Customer Support

Try this simple test. Open two tabs and log in to these two social media scheduling tools. 

Later's chatbot and Publer's instant chat with customer support.

Later’s help center will open up a chatbot that will search within Later’s database to solve your query with a script. 

On the other hand, the Publer’s chat is the first thing you’ll notice. You can instantly communicate your issues with a customer representative who will make sure to solve your problem with a human touch. 

#7: Affiliate Program from social media scheduling tools

The ultimate contrast between Publer and Later is the affiliate program they provide to their users. 

Later allows you to collaborate with contributors, while with Publer you can become its ambassador. 

Later’s program stands for delivering your partner’s content (influencer, agency, ambassador, etc.) directly to your account.

Publer’s ambassadors benefit from significant profits by simply spreading the 💚.

Publer's ambassador and affiliate program.

If you sign up for the affiliate program, we will reward your efforts. We can offer a 50% commission on the first monthly payment for a new paying customer and a 20% commission on the recurring charges.

Once you know how you intend to promote Publer in which platforms you can help expand our brand awareness, reach out to [email protected].

General Overview of Social Media Scheduling Tools

Automated PublishingYes Yes
Campaign ManagementYesNo
Collaboration ToolsYesNo
Content ManagementYesYes
Multi-Account ManagementYesYes
Post SchedulingYesYes
Reporting & AnalyticsYesYes
Link ShorteningYesNo
Social Media PlatformsYesLimited
Customer SupportYesLimited
Instagram StoriesNo (Coming Soon)Yes (No Auto-Publish)
Follow Up CommentsYesYes
Media LibraryYesYes
Hashtags & LocationYesYes
Publer vs. Later – General Overview
Courtesy of Capterra Data.

Related content that it’s important to read after this comparison article between top two social media scheduling tools:

The Power Of Social Media Platforms

Publer vs. Buffer – Top Social Media Management Tools

Social Media Strategy: What It Is, Why It Matters & How To Create One That Works

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