
Master LinkedIn Creator Mode – Ultimate Guide for Marketers

April 08, 2022
LinkedIn Creator Mode – Ultimate Guide for Marketers

LinkedIn Creator Mode has been recently introduced, and many marketers are making the most of it.

According to Keren Baruch, Product Lead for Creator Strategy at LinkedIn, Angel Investor, more than 5.5 million people across the globe turned on creator mode in the last year to establish their voice, unlock new opportunities, and build an engaged audience.

What is the LinkedIn Creator Mode?

LinkedIn Creator Mode is a great way to develop your online reputation, reach potential connections, and build a personal brand.

What is the LinkedIn Creator Mode

Ready to turn your LinkedIn Creator Mode On?

What are the LinkedIn Creator Mode benefits?

According to LinkedIn itself, here are the top 3 benefits of having a Creator Mode:

  • Profile Changes – The total number of followers and topics you’ve selected to ‘talk about will be displayed in your profile.
  • Get Discovered – Potential followers can find you and your content across LinkedIn.
  • Access to Creator Features – Full access to Creator Tools such as the Creator Hub and Creator Analytics.

What are the LinkedIn Creator Mode benefits?

New LinkedIn Creator Features

The new LinkedIn Creator Mode provides access to two incredible services:

Broadcasting Live Videos on LinkedIn is a trending marketing strategy to humanize the online presence. Everyone wants to know who stands behind a successful brand. But, LinkedIn has a few Live Video Access Criteria, such as geography, community policies, audience base, etc. If you want to become a LinkedIn Live broadcaster, click here.

LinkedIn Newsletters are a professional way to get and deliver fresh news and updates to all subscribers.

If you want to keep your audience informed and understand what they want to know more about you or your business, LinkedIn Newsletters are a smart way to reach that purpose.

If you are wondering how to create a Newsletter as a LinkedIn Page, click here.

How to Turn on the LinkedIn Creator Mode

The LinkedIn Creator Mode has rolled out for every country in the world.

To see if you have access to the Creator Mode, go to your profile and check the following: ‘Creator mode Off,’ and make sure to turn it on.

LinkedIn features

After doing so, you can check the Topics and Tools:

  • Topics – They will be displayed on your profile to show potential followers what you post about most.
  • Tools – Giving you new ways to reach your audience by enabling access to the available tools: LinkedIn Live and Newsletters.

Ultimate Guide for LinkedIn Marketers by Publer

What’s next after creating a LinkedIn Creator Profile?

After accordingly setting up the entire account with the relevant information, you can start publishing new content and get real-time analytics:

  • Content Performance – impressions, engagement, and trend graphs.
  • Engagement Demographics – job titles, location, company size, etc.

Post Consistently For Positive Results

It’s vital to post very often. Always stay up to date with what happens on social networks if you want to grow and build a decent reputation.

Keep this in mind, especially if you’ve already prepared yourself a Creator account that needs consistency. Therefore, we highly recommend posting as much as you can about the topics you’ve selected as a Creator.

One exciting way to do that is to schedule every update (even if you want to add links, photos, videos, and Gifs) with a third-party app in advance.

Publer has an impressive interface to build new LinkedIn (and other socials) updates. Also, you can get content recommendationsgenerate trending hashtags, and analyze performance.

Top Tip to Stay Consistent with LinkedIn posts

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