
5 Sure Ways to Boost Traffic With Pinterest Keywords

December 21, 2022
pinterest keywords

Keyword research is an essential process if you want to achieve success on Pinterest, as this is what will help determine how likely your pins will come up on the platform’s search results.

Pinterest is a powerful tool, and by using the right keywords, you can improve your visibility on the platform and drive traffic to your website.

In this article, we’ll share with you the best tips to help you find the perfect Pinterest keywords that will help grow your blog or business.

Pinterest Keywords and SEO: Why Are They So Important?

pinterest keyword search

Using keywords is essential for the success of your Pinterest SEO efforts. When you properly optimize your Pinterest account with relevant keywords, it helps to increase your reach on the platform. By implementing keywords into your pins, boards, and profile, you can show Pinterest what your content is all about.

Pinterest is about providing its users with the best possible experience. That’s why it relies on keywords to understand and show the most relevant and high-quality content to users who might be interested in it.

Following the right strategy will allow you to make the most out of Pinterest and tap new audiences, broaden your brand’s visibility, and boost website traffic.

Boosting Traffic With Pinterest Keywords: 5 Key Strategies

Don’t just rely on the trending or top-performing keywords. You need to understand Pinterest’s algorithm to make the most of it. Here are some tips to help you choose the perfect keywords for your brand:

keywords written on a notepad

Use the Pinterest Keyword Tool to Find High-Impact Keywords

Set up a business account to get top searches for your niche and keywords to make your content stand out. The keyword tool is free to use, and you don’t have to be an expert or advertiser on Pinterest to take advantage of its analytics. Using top-performing keywords helps more users find your content and boost traffic to your site. 

Plus, it’s beginner-friendly and easy to switch your personal account to a business one.

Here’s how you can do it: 

  1. Go to the Ads tab from your business account and look for the Business Hub. 
  2. Click Create Ads. You’ll be redirected to the Promoted Pin creation page to create a Pinterest ad campaign. You don’t need to create a campaign, though! This step will lead you to the keyword research tool.
  3. Choose Traffic as your campaign type and click Continue to proceed to the next page. 
  4. You’ll now see the Keywords window! You can start doing keyword research for your account.

Target Long-Tail Pinterest Keywords

Long-tail keywords are taken from popular or trending terms and help you target your desired audience. Ranking them may take some time, but the results are worth it. You’ll gain consistent engagement with clicks, follows, pins, and saves from your target audience.

More long-tail keywords mean more benefits for your Pinterest profile. Just search general terms and use Pinterest search to autofill words.

Find Popular Keywords With Pinterest Trends

Pinterest Predict is Pinterest’s annual selection of the most inspiring and interesting trends, and it’s also a great strategy for finding popular keywords on the platform. Using Pinterest Predict lets you be one of the first to spot upcoming trends on the platform.

You can combine this with the keyword tool and check out the most searched terms over the past 12 months. This is one way to boost traffic to your website or blog, as identifying the most popular keywords can optimize your content for higher visibility. You can also use this to uncover new topics and ideas for content creation.

You can also use the data from Pinterest Trends to track your content performance and optimize it for better engagement and overall results.

If you need an extra hand, automation software and tools can help you manage your pins.

Include Your Keywords in the Right Places

Get your keywords in the right places, and your profile will be optimized for success. The  more keywords you use for specific locations on your profile, the higher the chances of becoming searchable to your target audience.

pinterest keywords

Including your keywords in the pin title, description, URL, etc., will help the platform’s algorithm understand what your pin is about and make it easier for interested users to find it. Creating boards related to your keywords is another thing that will help increase your chances of appearing in search results.

Here are other spots where you can place your keywords: 

  • Board Titles
  • Profile Name
  • Board Descriptions
  • Main Profile Bio
  • Image File Names
  • Blog Posts linked to your Pinterest content
  • Copy on your Pin Images
  • Pin alt text

Combining Pinterest keyword research with SEO tools like Google Keyword Planner can help you maximize your strategies and get you the best keywords to use for your website.

While you’re at it, be sure to:

  • Create unique board categories
  • Update Pinterest boards depending on the topic areas you want to cover
  • Schedule posts to stay active and update new keywords 
  • Optimize previous pins with new keywords
  • Include new keywords when repinning old content
  • Produce new content for your other social media channels and platforms
  • Update old content within your niche to add new keywords

Tracking Your Pinterest Keywords

Pinterest is always full of users looking for new ideas, so don’t be surprised when interests and search volumes fluctuate. Tracking top-performing keywords can help you strategize your next content and lead to more visits to your website.

Put together a list of your go-to keywords to make the content creation process more efficient. Consider using Google Sheets to store your keywords in one spot, but you can also explore other online tools for more options. 

Key Takeaways

With its SEO-friendly features, Pinterest allows you to become an expert in optimizing content with the right keywords. Doing your research on top-level keywords and knowing where to place them correctly is vital.

  • Boost web traffic from Pinterest users
  • Optimize your pins and other posts
  • Increase engagement and get more user interactions
  • Adjust your strategy and make improvements based on keyword performance
  • Incorporate top-level keywords to reach the right audience

Boost your content plan with Pinterest keywords! Check out this blog: Pinterest Marketing Strategy Do’s and Don’ts to Follow to get the best results for your brand. 

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