
How To Export LinkedIn Contacts: Building A Network

April 13, 2023
how to export linkedin contacts

Let’s assume that today you lost your entire LinkedIn network, and you did not save any of your contacts. That would be such a waste! To avoid losing this important data, today we will show you how to export LinkedIn contacts.

The social platform allows you to export your contacts for reuse. Once you export them to a spreadsheet file, you can use this list to retarget contacts via email as a backup in case of account suspension or forward it to the sales team for the next marketing campaigns.

To learn more about that, we wrote this blog post for you, which furthermore will cover the following:

  • Why should you export LinkedIn contacts?
  • A step-by-step guide on how to export LinkedIn contacts.
  • Why do the emails not appear when exporting your LinkedIn connections?
  • Lastly, how to use these contact lists for your marketing strategy.

Let’s get started.

Why Would You Want To Export LinkedIn Contacts?

Connecting via LinkedIn is great, but it’s also worth downloading more detailed contact information. Here are a few reasons why:

  • First, as your contacts evolve over time, you may lose touch with certain connections. You can always have this data by regularly downloading your contact details.
how to export LinkedIn contacts
  • Second, you can use these contact lists to build a more robust sales and marketing portfolio. It also helps you conduct customer analysis to determine the ideal campaign and communication approach.
  • Finally, if something happens to your LinkedIn profile, for example: corrupted or deleted, you will lose that contact list forever (and you don’t want that.) 

So, in either case, you should download your LinkedIn contact list and export them to a platform. Read on to learn how to export LinkedIn contacts.

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How To Export LinkedIn Contacts

You can easily export information about your LinkedIn connections using your social media platform’s export feature. Follow the steps below to export contacts from LinkedIn with the valuable information you need.

  • Click My Network at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
  • Click on Connections under Manage My Network.
how to export linkedin contacts
  • Click Manage synced and imported contacts.
  • Under Advanced options, click Export contacts.
managing and importing contacts
  • You can select the data file you are most interested in. If you want to export your LinkedIn contacts, select Connections.
  • Next, click Request Archive, enter your password to confirm, and wait for an email from LinkedIn with your info.
  • Once you receive the email, click Download. (this will send you back to the Data Privacy section.) 
  • Click Download Archive, and you can access your information in a CSV file.

You will get the information listed below:

  • Connection dates
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Company
  • Position

Why Are There No Emails In The Export?

By default, LinkedIn’s settings protect your privacy by hiding your email address. So, when exporting connections from LinkedIn, you can only get the email addresses of users who allow you to download their emails.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator makes extracting leads from your Sales Navigator quick and easy. So if you want your connects to download email addresses in the data export, you must change your LinkedIn settings.

Go to the Visibility tab in your LinkedIn account settings to do this. Below the account and network view will appear the following panels: Who can view and download your email address? Under this tab, click “Yes” to ask if the connection should download your email address in the data export.

What Can You Do With The Export?

Now that you exported your LinkedIn contact list, learn more about how to use them for growing your business. Read these simple strategies below.

Use The Information For Targeting

You can use exported LinkedIn contacts to improve market targeting by improving segmentation. And this is especially useful for companies with niche products or B2B services. 

In other words, downloading the list of connections is a valuable resource for expanding your market efforts.

Keep Them All In Your CRM

After exporting and saving your LinkedIn contacts, you first need to upload them to your CRM (customer relationship management) solution. By doing so, you can generate new leads that can help grow your brand and increase your influence.

Then you will have access to perform deep analysis to identify demographic trends and areas of marketing opportunity.

Enhance Your Address Book

After importing and syncing your mobile address book, LinkedIn can see which contacts already use LinkedIn. It’s the fastest way to find and connect with business contacts.

adding contacts who already have linkedin

Develop Your Lists

Many professionals use LinkedIn Export to extend their contact list from mobile to desktop. 

Pro Tip: Examine the exported contacts to assess the type and nature of the connection before adding them to your contact list.

Build An Automated System

LinkedIn contact information also helps automate sales campaigns. Through automated tools and targeted marketing, LinkedIn uses contact details to automatically contact prospects, track key prospects, and reply with relevant information.  

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Key Takeaways 

Exporting LinkedIn contacts, it’s the quickest way to find and connect with your professional contacts. Here is a summary of what you learned today.

  • You can use LinkedIn contact lists to build a robust sales and marketing portfolio.
  • It also helps you conduct customer analysis to determine great campaigns and communication strategies.
  • You can easily export the contact list in a few steps (see above).
  • LinkedIn’s settings protect your privacy by hiding the email address as information.
  • You can do so many things with the contact lists, such as: Using them for targeting your audience, keeping them in your CRM, developing your lists regularly, and building an automated system.

Now that you know how to export LinkedIn contacts, we have some questions for you.

Have you ever downloaded your LinkedIn contact lists? If yes, did you use these contact lists to create better campaigns and change your communication strategy? 

Let us know in the comments!

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