
Become a LinkedIn Lead Generation Pro with these 10 Best Practices

December 08, 2022

LinkedIn is an excellent place for B2B marketers to go after leads for their business. With over 822 million professionals on the platform, opportunities exist to make connections and generate prospects.

However, simply being on LinkedIn isn’t enough. You need a solid strategy to take your lead generation game to the next level and convert those prospects into customers.

Here are 10 lead generation best practices to help you get started!

10 Tried and Tested LinkedIn Lead Generation Strategies 

LinkedIn is full of professionals who have the power to make big decisions and drive sales for businesses. So, if you want to get ahead of your competitors, you’ll need to generate strong leads.

Optimize Your Profile


When visiting your page, your profile is the first thing people see, so make sure it represents you in the best light possible. A great way to do this is by having strong, professional-looking photos and headlines that give visitors a clear idea of what you do and why they should connect with you.

Some tips to make your profile more engaging are to:

  • Maximize your profile banner with interesting trivia about your brand
  • Highlight your best posts
  • Create a detailed description of your job in the About Section
  • Showcase the best way to understand your job experiences

Create an Impressive LinkedIn Page

Publer LinkedIn Lead Generation

When you’ve built a good rapport with your network, you can keep the momentum by providing great content. Write thought-leadership pieces that users want to return to for industry insights and expert advice. Think about how your content can bring them value rather than what they can do for you.

If you only talk about yourself, your audience will get bored. Keep them engaged by exploring different content types and discussing topics that address their pain points.

Regularly Post Value-Packed Content

Post regularly on linkedin

The more active you are on the platform, the more likely you are to connect with potential customers and create beneficial relationships. When you keep posting great content, your connections will start liking and interacting with your content, which will help you boost your reach and touch base with a whole new audience.

Some great post ideas are: 

  • Success stories and celebrating company milestones
  • Tutorials with easy-to-follow steps to achieve the best results
  • Posts that encourages interaction and offers them something in exchange

Automate & Schedule LinkedIn Posts

Manually searching for quality leads can take time, and you risk the opportunity to maximize your lead generation campaigns to their full potential. Automation tools like Publer can help you engage with your leads and get the most out of your content strategy.

Remember to strike a balance between automation and personalization. You can automate your posts and comments to keep users engaged, but you should also add a personal touch. You can also use data and insights to improve your content strategy.

Join LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn has groups you can join to connect with people who share your interests. This is a great way to get involved in discussions about your industry and build rapport with potential customers.

See what your audience is up to by joining LinkedIn groups. You can get a feel for what they want and need and use that information to create customer-centric content. Just be sure not to hard-sell your product when you first join a group and focus on building an authentic connection with the community.

Run Sponsored Ads

Match your organic relationship-building with sponsored content. You can run LinkedIn ads that will appear on the LinkedIn feed on desktop and mobile. Different ad formats include photos, videos, and carousel ads.

To target a specific audience, you can run direct sponsored content. You can also promote existing posts. Whichever you prefer, make sure to run an A/B test on your audiences to analyze your analytics and see what ads perform well.

Send Personalized Messages

Want to get someone’s attention on LinkedIn? Adding a personal touch goes a long way. Start a conversation by mentioning something relevant to the person you’re messaging, and let them take the lead in the discussion.

A good starting point for your outreach campaigns is to get to know your prospects better to find out how you can help them. You can also share relevant data and insights to keep the conversation going.

Use Lead Generation Forms

LinkedIn makes it easy to add a call-to-action (CTA) to your sponsored content ads so that you can insert a lead form asking users for their email addresses. It’s a great way to build a database of potential leads that you can nurture by providing helpful resources.

Create a LinkedIn Group

Creating your own LinkedIn group is the best way to build the community you want. Plus, you establish thought leadership in your industry when you moderate a group. People will see you as the expert you are.

Creating a LinkedIn group is easy! Go to the “Groups” section in the sidebar and click “See all.” Start filling out all the essential details for your group in the pop-up form. Make sure to highlight that the group is for users rather than all about your company to get more people to join.

Use LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator

If you’re looking to really step up your lead game, LinkedIn Sales Navigator is key. It’s way more sophisticated than the regular search engine, with over 30 different filters that let you categorize potential customers by job title, demographics, or company size.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator makes it easy to manage and track your leads. You can identify actual decision-makers and get to know new and current leads in your sales pipeline.

Key Takeaways 

Lead generation can make or break an advertiser’s success on LinkedIn. The key is to focus on quality leads over quantity to ensure you’re driving sales from your growing network. Keep producing excellent content and connecting with new LinkedIn users to turn leads into customers!

  • Build genuine business relationships with your prospects.
  • Target decision-makers and other high-quality leads.
  • Grow your community and increase user engagement.
  • Manage your account with automation and scheduling tools. 
  • Track LinkedIn analytics and deliver content that works. 

Now that you know how to get started on LinkedIn lead generation check out this blog to learn how to automate your LinkedIn strategy for best results: A Guide To Automating Your LinkedIn Strategy For Lead Generation

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