
The Power of Personal Branding Extended to Facebook

December 22, 2023
Facebook Profile

We’ve heard it throughout all 2023, and the year before that, and the year before that:

Personal Branding has become the most effective tool for social selling and business growth.

And each year this statement is only getting more valid.

In a digital world of pixel-perfect marketing communications, and impersonal AI content, people are looking for the human behind the brand or business. They are looking for tech entrepreneurs, coffee shop owners, social media managers behind big brands…

And that should be enough for you to consider building your personal brand if you haven’t started, yet.

If you want to grow your own personal brand to support your business, and Facebook is a social network you can get behind, we’ve got some great news for you!

Schedule Your Facebook Profile Posts with Publer!

Facebook Personal Profiles have been around for as long as social media has existed. However, ever since the Cambridge Analytica scandal, Meta decided to remove the public API access for Facebook Profiles.

Since then, users have been relying on push notifications to post to Facebook Personal Profiles, and that is now possible with Publer! You will first have to connect your Profile to Publer, and after that, you will need to download the Publer Mobile app so you can share your posts to your Profile via push notifications.

Schedule Your Facebook Profile Posts with Publer

Facebook Profile Scheduling with Publer, Build a Personal Brand, Facebook Profiles
  • Go to Publer.
  • Select the Facebook Profile you want to share the post to.
  • Then, design your post to your liking and schedule the post.

This means you will have finalized the first part of the scheduling process with the semi-automated system. Once the time comes, you will receive a push notification/reminder from the Publer mobile app, letting you know that your post is ready.

For this step to work, you need to make sure that you have turned on all your notifications from Publer. You can learn more about that in our push notifications guide.

Finalize and Publish the Post

Facebook Profile Scheduling with Publer, Build a Personal Brand, Facebook Profiles
  • Click on the notification sent by the Publer mobile app.
  • This will lead you to the post, where you can see the preview.
  • Make sure you have installed the Facebook app on your mobile beforehand and then, click on Open in Facebook.
  • You will be redirected to the Facebook Profile app, where you will be able to create the post.

Publer will download and save the media in your phone’s gallery and copy the caption of the post in your clipboard, so you can easily create the post.

Keep in mind:

Publer won’t be able to gather insights, or sync posts, given the lack of an official API. However, you will always be able to find all the posts you share on your Facebook Profile under the Posts > Posted tab.

Building a Personal Brand – Our Two Cents On Standing Out

Facebook Profile Scheduling with Publer, Build a Personal Brand, Facebook Profiles

At Publer we have thousands of users looking to increase their digital footprint and influence. And through our own first-hand experience, we believe we have found the right path to a good Personal Brand.

Forget flashy bios and self-promotional Facebook posts. Building a personal brand isn’t about shouting your name into the void. It’s about weaving a mantle of experiences, values, and purpose that resonates with others, leaving a lasting impression, and can even lead to positive Facebook reviews.

At the heart of your brand lies your unique story. What passions ignite you? What challenges have shaped you? What lessons learned, big or small, can you share? Authenticity is the thread that binds it all together. Be genuine, be human, and let your voice shine through. Don’t copy trends or chase fleeting fame. Embrace what makes you, you, and let that be your guiding star.

Consistency is the mortar that holds your brand together. Every post you schedule, and every comment you make, should be a brushstroke on the canvas you’re crafting. Be the person your audience expects, the one whose values stay true even when the spotlight dims. Remember, your personal brand isn’t just a professional face; it’s the sum total of who you are, both in business and beyond.

But the path to a captivating brand isn’t paved with only successes.

Embrace stumbles and missteps as stepping stones. Learn from failures, adapt, and rise again, stronger than before. And while you’re navigating this journey, remember the impact you want to leave. Be a force for good, a voice that uplifts and empowers.

Look to those who have mastered the art of personal branding, but let their stories be springboards, not blueprints. Your brand is yours alone, a unique mosaic crafted from your experiences, aspirations, and the mark you want to leave on the world.

So go forth, tell your story, embrace the journey, and enlarge your digital footprint with the help of Publer.

Be that on your Facebook Profile, Threads, Twitter, LinkedIn… and all social networks where you can find your community.

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