
What Is The Best Time To Post On Pinterest?

April 03, 2023
best time to post on pinterest

If you’re a Pinterest enthusiast, you know how important it is to get your content in front of the right audience.

With so many users on the platform, it can be challenging to know when to post to maximize your reach and engagement.

That’s why we will dive into the topic of the best time to post on Pinterest.

Moreover, in this blog post, you will learn:

  • Why does it matter?
  • What is the best time to post on Pinterest?
  • How frequently should you post?
  • How to use Publer to schedule pins?

Along with different strategies and insights to help you determine when your target audience is most active on the platform, so you can increase your chances of reaching and engaging with them.

Let’s get started!

Why Does It Matter When You Post Pins On Pinterest?

When and how often you Pin can affect the performance of your Pinterest account, many users don’t realize this when they open a Pinterest account.

You should keep in mind that Pinterest users and your followers are active at certain times of the day. If you know these exact times, it will allow more people to see your Pins soon after they go live.

Post frequency is also an important factor. The more pins you post, the more likely your users are to engage and get a “viral” pin. (We will discuss that later on.)

By focusing on when and how often you Pin, you can take practical steps to help your Pins appear to a wider group of Pinterest users and bring more success!

What Is The Best Time To Post On Pinterest?

Now that you know how important it is to post at the best times, let’s look at the best time to post on Pinterest!

What Is The Best Time To Post On Pinterest?

Pro Tip: Consider the time zones. 

For example, according to research, 80% of the US population lives in the Central and Eastern time zones. In Canada, approximately 60% of the population is in the Eastern Time Zone.

People on Pinterest use the platform most often in the evenings and during their spare time. They found the peak hours of 8 pm to 11 pm and 2 am to 4 am.

If your target audience is primarily based in the United States, these times (Eastern and Central) may be suitable.

However, the best time to post on Pinterest is based on averages and is very general. For example, Saturday may be suitable for most Pinterest content that is B2C (business to consumer) content. But for B2B (business to business), it’s not optimal. Because then the audience will stop thinking about work.

How To Judge Your Own Best Time

Learn below three simple strategies you can follow for the best times to post on Pinterest.

Post For A Month First

To maximize your exposure, you should actively participate in the Pinterest social media network before deciding the best time to post. You can start by manually posting the material or pinning the image. It would be best if you did both for at least a month.   

This shows that you are an active Pinterest user and have Pinned on Pinterest’s various boards. Remember, you can’t just share everything. The most crucial factor in determining whether other users will repin your material is the quality of content you provide, whether in photos, videos, or both.  

Use Pinterest Analytics

Metrics available for business accounts on Pinterest allow you to use data to determine how well your brand performs across different social media categories.

Pinterest Analytics provides users with a variety of metrics. Some help determines the best time to post content on your site and identify which Pinterest categories resonate most with your audience. These metrics include impressions, engagement, pin clicks, video views, saves, engagement rate, and total viewers.

Use Pinterest Analytics

Pro Tip: Check the location by looking at demographic information about your audience. You may have noticed that most people who make up Pinterest’s audience are in a particular time zone.

If so, you should consider that when sharing content. For example, you should avoid posting in times when these users are most likely to sleep.

Use Google Analytics

Using Google Analytics shows valuable data that you shouldn’t miss. We suggest you go to your Google Analytics account home page and find the section titled “When do your users visit?” 

You can do this by scrolling to Click the section title. The Users by Time of Day report can help you understand when your visitors will most likely visit your website.

It might interest you: How To Delete Pins On Pinterest

How Frequently Should You Post On Pinterest?

According to Pinterest’s recommendations, aim to create at least one new Pin weekly. The most effective strategy for maximizing results is to update your Pinterest board regularly to target new Pins. Posting new Pins on a regular basis should be your priority.

Publishing a new pin every day can be very tedious because you have to design a new pin and create a detailed description for each new Pin with relevant keywords. 

But if you find it tiresome to produce new content all the time, don’t be afraid to devise a fixed plan that can save you time and energy.

One of the most important aspects of Pinterest (and for each social media platform) is keeping your pinning consistent. Having a regular pinning schedule is key to success with the Pinterest algorithm. 

A consistent schedule helps Pinterest build trust in your account. Stick to a schedule so it can help you get the best results regularly. 

Publer will help you with all of these issues mentioned above.

  • Publer has an AI integration that will help you even with generating creative content for your particular topic. 
  • You can generate popular and niche hashtags according to your topic.
  • You can plan a strategy for your Pinterest account, schedule your content with Publer and post it at the best times.
  • Then you can easily look at the analytics and use this data to grow your business.

Here is how it looks when posting on Pinterest with Publer.

How To Use Publer To Schedule Pins Perfectly

How To Use Publer To Schedule Pins Perfectly

Here are some easy steps you should take to schedule your pins with Publer.

  1. Add Title and Description: Add a title and description for your Pin ,or use AI Assist to help you generate creative content.
  2. Add Alt-Text: Very helpful for SEO.
  3. Add Links To Your Pin: These links take users straight to your website. This is the core reason Pinterest helps with traffic.
  4. Design Using The Pro Tools such as Canva, And Crello: Publer has both Canva and Crello built-in to help you create beautiful pins.
  5. Bulk-Schedule Easily: You can schedule up to 500 posts using the CSV bulk upload option.
  6. Watermark and Preview: You can add a watermark to your image and preview what your pins will look like.
  7. Ready to Schedule or Publish!

Key Takeaways 

Posting at the right times can increase your chances of getting your content in front of the right people and grow your presence on Pinterest

  • Consider the time zones when posting on Pinterest.
  • Analyze your analytics to see what works best for your audience.
  • If you are tired of creating new content daily, use Publer to help you generate new content with AI Assist.
  • Schedule your Pins with Publer, and happy Pinning!

We hope you found this blog post helpful in determining the best time to post on Pinterest. Let us know in the comments what you think!

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