
How to Increase Engagement on Twitter: 15 Strategies

November 22, 2020
Strategies To Increase Engagement on Twitter

Have your Tweets gone viral?

Whether it’s a sad “no”, or a thrilled “yes, but what’s more”, you are in the right place. Surely, it’s time to integrate these 15 strategies to increase engagement on Twitter.

Thus, you must follow these tips in how to increase engagement on Twitter. Benefit from the many advantages the platform provides for personal use or business purposes.

One of the main reasons Twitter is widely favored is that the platform is user-friendly and constantly updating its services. But, there are many things to take good care of on Twitter, like the image sizes and dimensions, the right time to post, etc.

Twitter is used by over 300 million people. Obviously, it will continue to be a powerful platform for digital marketers for a very long time.

A list of 15 strategies to increase engagement on twitter

Here’s a list of 15 Strategies to Increase Twitter Engagement in 2022:

1: Determine the best time to post

Finding the best time to post is vital for your online experience. You must focus on getting to know your audience very well. Comprehending your readers will benefit you in many ways. One of them is about knowing when to post is the pot of gold.

There are some hours of the day when Twitter users are more active and engage with different tweets. Discovering the peak hours your audience is online will help you reach more potential customers.

Tools like Publer will help you create a better idea of when you should tweet or not. Try different day hours and check the content you’ve used very carefully.

Determine the best time to post on social media

2: Use Top-Quality Content Only

We’ve mentioned quality content many times in our articles as it’s important to share relevant and grammatically correct texts.

Certainly, people don’t like typos or fake news. So, ensure to provide reliable information and stay consistent with your tone of voice. 

Moreover, remember to respect your niche and post relevant tweets to your profile!

3: Benefit from UGC

User-Generated content is very important on Twitter. It helps reach many people by letting them know that you appreciate the time someone spent to share thoughts on your product.

A brand should always be aware of who mentions their products, as feedback is what matters most when you’re a service provider.

Knowing what your customers want and think of you is fundamental. Twitter is a transparent social platform and lets you quickly find the UGC. 

Still, if people haven’t mentioned your account, you can head to the Search bar and search for your brand – Click Latest – and you’ve got yourself all the ‘rumor and drama’ in your hand.

But, make sure to share positive UGC and off to enjoy the future comments.

Capture from scheduling a post in Twitter

4: Engage with Retweets

You already know how pinned tweets get a lot of engagement from your current audience and new followers. It’s always smart to retweet the posts the audience has engaged most with.

Every time you retweet a post – it gets more engagement. That’s what’s called recycling, and your content never dies. So, giving value to your content is easy, quick, and positive. Retweeting looks like it’s the key!

5: Do Not Over-Tweet

Like any other social platform, over-posting is tiring for the audience. Even if your followers love everything about you and your brand, you must learn when enough is enough.

Over-tweeting might negatively affect your online experience. People want to read helpful information from different sources. Getting their feed populated by only one brand might feel right for them to unfollow you.

Do Not Over-Tweet

6: Use Threads

Threads are expanded thoughts on Twitter. As you might already know, Twitter only allows up to 280 characters per tweet. Said so, it isn’t easy to express everything.

This is why Twitter allows everyone to share more than one tweet connected. On Twitter, you can only create up to 2 tweets simultaneously, while if you want to add other tweets, you need to post those two first.

With Publer, you can schedule threads with up to 15 tweets simultaneously. It’s incredible how you can write more, add as many hashtags you need (even generate some trending ones), specify the time you want each tweet to be shared, etc. – all within one dashboard.

7: Try Twitter Ads 

Ads on Twitter are interestingly amazing! They don’t take too long to get approved (in fact, do they even have a check-in?).

Boosting tweets helps you reach the audience you want. Target the countries, audiences’ age, gender, and interests, and you’ll start seeing the results yourself. 

Although sponsoring your tweets too often is not recommended, as we have mentioned below, over-tweeting isn’t Twitter users’ thing.

In 2022 you can expect various methods of promoting Tweets like Carousel adsTakeover adsTwitter Amplify, and video advertising.

8: Add Elements 

It’s highly recommended to provide diversity with different types of tweets. Using memes, hashtags, polls, images, videos, carousels, and fleets.


So, you’re doubtful that a business account shouldn’t post memes? Well, what’s wrong with being a bit funny on Twitter? What if your audience loves getting away from news and serious stuff?

It’s time to make your audience understand that you’re humans too. If you love laughing and have a fantastic sense of humor, there are high chances to entertain your audience and expand your popularity online. 


If there’s an online platform that deserves a significant focus on #hashtags, that is Twitter. People post too many often on Twitter. It’s easy to use, and sharing 1-2 sentence thoughts is quite well-received on Twitter. That’s why it’s also very easy for your tweets to disappear.

Plus, adding relevant #hashtags will help your tweets get discovered easily at any time.

Tweets from businesses with one hashtag are 69% more likely to get retweets than those with two hashtags. Some of Publer’s tweets contain important #hashtags.

Hashtag from Publer on Twitter #PublerNation


Polls are engaging and fun strategies to use on Twitter. It’s pretty easy to create a poll on Twitter. All you need is a question and up to 4 options.

We on Publer create weekly Polls to understand better what our customers want most about the product and how we can make it better. 

The weekend polls seem to engage and drive people to vote and share their opinion – what interests us to make changes to our next features.

Moreover, Publer even has a branded #hashtag for the weekly Polls: #PublerPollWeekend.

Publer hashtag about polls on Twitter

9: Video Content

Videos are the most favored type of content among all social media platforms. Upload a TweetVideo at 512MB maximum to deliver an attractive message to your audience.

Tweets with videos might bring 10x more engagements on your profile based on internal Twitter data. Additionally, Video Ads are cost-effective by at least 50% on cost-per-engagement.

10: Share Fleets

People worldwide have already welcomed Fleets on Twitter. The 24-hour disappearing tweets are a new lovely trend indeed.

They’re only available on mobile, and that’s fine because Twitter users love using the platform on their smartphones.

Fleets allow you to share tweets and add colored text only. But, Twitter is currently advancing them. So, we might soon be able to add stickers, reply, or even purchase products.

Sharing Twitter fleets

11: Keep Track of Your Performance

A weekly check-up on your current marketing efforts is vital to determine new fixes. If something is not performing well, you must rethink that type of content or recent promoted Tweet. 

Explore your Twitter analytics to comprehend better the numbers behind the curtains of your Twitter profile. 

Now, if you are just starting with your Twitter profile, it would be best to implement the most accessible strategies for you at first. 

12: Create A Newsletter 

Among many strategies to increase Twitter engagement in 2022, we suggest you consider composing a newsletter. 

Twitter has facilitated the process thanks to Revue Service. Since 2021, you can integrate newsletters to your Twitter strategy, import email lists, analyze engagement and have a new profitable way in your hands.

Learn now how your followers can subscribe to your newsletter directly from your Tweets or profile on Twitter.

Creating a newsletter on Twitter is possible and recommended.

13: Host Twitter Spaces 

Host your own Twitter Space and connect with Twitter users worldwide. Social media platforms have updated their features by providing new digital bridges to people on different sides of the globe. 

Whether you want to host a Q&A session, an interview, share a personal experience or provide valuable tips and tricks, a Twitter space is the most accurate method. 

14: Respond & Engage with People

Waiting for many hours or even days for a critical response disappoints you. We can assure you that the other users on Twitter feel the same. 

Twitter opts for facilitating every user’s engagement in communicating and also reaching out to potential clients. So, reducing your response time and interacting actively with your audience is a must-do. It’s also an easy process among strategies to increase engagement on Twitter. 

How to Increase Engagement on Twitter - Reducing response time

15: Schedule All Your Tweets

A professional Twitter account is complete in all the required elements, such as photos, headers, and content. The official Twitter for Business account also points out that a professional profile has a well-thought content strategy. 

Make a plan, prepare your Tweets and schedule them beforehand. Consistent Tweeting will improve your visibility, increase engagement and support you build a solid audience. 

Tools like Publer let you schedule all tweets by generating trending hashtags, shortening links, previewing tweets, and watermarking images. Also, you’ll get notified if you’ve surpassed the daily limit posts.

If you clicked this article to find out how you can improve your current marketing efforts on Twitter, we believe we were helpful with the list of 15 Strategies to Increase Twitter Engagement in 2022.
Pro tips on how to increase engagement on Twitter

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How to Write a Tweet: Crafting the Best Tweets

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