
How to Schedule Twitter Threads with Publer

October 06, 2020
Schedule Twitter Threads

Sometimes a tweet is not enough to express what you really want.

Back in 2017, Twitter started providing threads as an option and it became more user-friendly over time.

Starting today, you can create and schedule Twitter threads through Publer.

| NEW: You can prepare some bulk content with just a few clicks, by allowing the built-in Spintax Generator provide new content based on the keywords that you provide.

Schedule Twitter Threads with Publer
Schedule Twitter Threads with Publer

What is a Twitter thread?

A Twitter Thread is a group of tweets connected to each other. Twitter users know that some media used in the middle of a thread would engage people more.

Threads are considered a huge opportunity for whoever wants to share more information on Twitter. We know how bits of tweets can represent an experience, that’s why keeping on tweeting on the same thread will boost everyone’s trust.

A key to writing a successful thread? Quality content.

Using threads will only save your content for a longer time. This is how you can create a thread on Twitter:

Click the + icon to create a new thread on Twitter. Limit: 3 tweets.
Click the + icon to create a new thread on Twitter. Limit: 3 tweets.

Schedule Twitter Threads with Publer

People are always looking for ways to ease their online experience. When it comes to Twitter, the only thing users want is to increase the character limit and have more than 280 characters available or edit their tweets. Well, we already know how the editing part works.

Publer makes it easy to create, schedule, and publish multiple Twitter threads. Splitting the text and posting it on Twitter has never been smoother.

You can schedule up to 15 tweets per thread via Publer.

schedule Twitter Threads on Publer
Creating Twitter Threads on Publer

If a tweet that contains text, some media, and emojis isn’t enough, here’s where threads come in handy. You can either create multiple threads at a time or schedule some for later.

Publishing an entire thread at once will display a fully described announcement. 

The interesting part of creating threads is that each of them still has meaning separately.

Scheduled threads will boost everyone’s curiosity. Think of a new update/sale that you’re about to display and here’s where your followers start engaging with the tweets.

Why use Twitter threads?

1. Easier to read. Everything you need to share with your followers is grouped and easy-to-find.

2. Scheduling threads at different times will continue to show your tweet on top of the user’s feed.

3. It triggers people to wait for what’s next – *Amazing* for a new feature reveal.

4. Each tweet on a thread can get comments or retweeted.

twitter thread scheduling example
This is an example of a thread on Publer’s Profile on Twitter

Hints and tips for your future threads through Publer:

– If you have recently taken part in an event, you can schedule threads based on what happened during the award announcement, what really impressed you, how many participants there were, etc.

– Write every step on how to use a specific tool/service you’ve recently launched or are providing

– You can add the source of information you added on a blog article

– Add relevant and trending hashtags, by using the #hashtag generator you can find as a built-in functionality on Publer

Except for Twitter threads, you can create and schedule 2 follow-up comments on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Here’s a new update: You can customize comments per each social account!

custom twitter thread comment scheduling
Customizing comments per each social account on Publer

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