Social Media News TikTok

The 5 Best TikTok Algorithm Hacks in 2024

August 05, 2022
tiktok algorithm

TikTok is undoubtedly one of the most popular social media platforms available. It is a great platform for promoting your brand, with over 490 million active users discovering something new on the app monthly. But what if you are not a celebrity or an influencer with a large following? How can you ensure that your target audience sees your content?

The answer lies in understanding how the TikTok algorithm works and how to use it to your advantage. Here, we will go over five of the best TikTok algorithm hacks in 2024 that will help increase your audience reach.

tiktok algorithm

What Is The TikTok Algorithm

The TikTok algorithm is a system that determines what content appears on a user’s “For You” page. This system is based on the user’s viewing habits and choices, providing them with a unique experience. The platform defines the “For You” page as:

“A stream of videos curated to your interests, making it easy to find content and creators you love… powered by a recommendation system that delivers content to each user that’s likely to be of interest to that particular user.”

The recommendation system will adapt to your preferences to provide you with the best experience. So what you see today on your “For You” page may be different from what you see tomorrow.

How The TikTok Algorithm Works

TikTok uses signals to determine which content will be most interesting to users. With this, the app can determine what content is most suitable for them.

User Interactions

TikTok examines what you watch and the ‌communities you take part in to understand your preferences. This can include things like the comments you post, the accounts you follow, your likes and shares, the videos you watch all the way through, the content you create, and your favorite videos.

The algorithm suggests content based on what you consume and interact with. Suppose you watch a lot of DIY clips; the algorithm will continue to supply you with more videos in that category.

Content Discoverability

The TikTok algorithm leverages sounds, captions, and hashtags to discover new and relevant content, which is why you must understand how to caption your videos, when to post, and what sound to use. 

When you understand these hacks, you can seamlessly leverage them to gain more followers and grow your brand.

Device And Account Indicators

Account indicators are the last signal for content optimization on TikTok. Some factors the algorithm considers here, including language preferences, device type, country settings, and category selection.

However, because people don’t indicate these items as parts of their preferences, they are passive signals for content optimization.

TikTok Algorithm Hacks In 2024

The next step after understanding how the algorithm works is to know what hacks can help you maximize the platform.

Post During “Primetime”

Knowing the best times to post will significantly impact the traffic your content attracts. The TikTok algorithm values posting at your most optimal times. Therefore, if you post when your community is online and active, you stand a better chance of reaching more people.

Note that there’s no universal best time to post. Hence, you must evaluate your niche community and location to determine when your audiences are online. 

You can also choose these periods to go live and engage with your target audience directly. 

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Trending TikTok Audio

One popular way to improve your content’s reach is using trending TikTok audio into your posts. The TikTok algorithm highly ranks videos using trending sounds. As a result, users engaging with the audio will easily come across your content on their timeline. 

When sounds trend on TikTok, it’s a no-brainer for creators to use the sound. Therefore, before making your posts, scroll through your feed to determine the trending sounds. Then check the viral tab to select the track and use it for your content.

Accessible Content

When trying to reach a broader audience, you also have to consider whether your content is accessible and inclusive.

It would be helpful to understand the use of emojis, captions, and on-screen texts. Emojis and on-screen texts appropriately make accessing your content convenient for the visually impaired. 

Post Shorter Videos Often

Remember that TikTok factors in video completion when determining the content to optimize. This means that the shorter your video, the more likely users will watch it completely, impacting how the algorithm treats the video.

Even though TikTok videos can go up to 10 minutes longer, your best bet is to keep them short and moderate. It’s preferable to create a few short videos instead of one long video that users might not even watch halfway.

Aim for 30-second to 1-minute videos for a start. Your first goal on TikTok should be to attract traffic, gain followers, and create a network of users interested in your content. After all, the more engagement you have, the more money you can make on the app.

You can increase your videos’ length later on and assess your audience’s response. An unfavorable reaction to your long-form videos won’t adversely affect your brand since you’ve already established a presence. You can opt to switch back to your previous video length if the long-form strategy doesn’t work.

tik tok editor

Keep Old Content

Some of the content you post on TikTok may not get the traffic you expect, and this happens to many creators. But you shouldn’t delete your old content because you think they are not doing as great as you would want.

TikTok videos can go viral in a day, but it might take weeks or months for that to happen.

Therefore, continue creating content and driving traffic to your brand. Your old content might be the reason you eventually go viral as a TikTok user. 

Keeping old content signals users you’re not new to the platform and have been creating consistently. TikTok rewards many attributes, and consistency is one.

Key Takeaways

Understanding the TikTok algorithm is essential for any user looking to grow their brand on the platform. By utilizing some of the best TikTok algorithm hacks, you can increase your content’s reach and engagement, leading to more followers and growth for your brand. Here are some of the things to keep in mind when trying to make the most of the TikTok algorithm.

  • Focus on the signals that drive traffic to content. These include content discoverability, user interaction, and device indicators. 
  • Learn the right times to post, the trending sound to use, and make your content accessible.
  • Keep your videos short to sustain users’ attention, don’t delete your old content, and examine your niche community to understand its needs. 

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